Armi的Rockwell Experience Center | Biofabusa将智能制造技术连接到救生医学

Newly opened New Hampshire center highlights technology needed to mass produce tissues and organs.

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罗克韦尔自动化, Inc.(NYSE: ROK), the world’s largest company dedicated to industrial automation and digital transformation, announced today the grand opening of the Rockwell Experience Center at theAdvanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI)in Manchester, N.H. The center recognizes Rockwell’s long-term investment in ARMI, a member-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to advance the bioeconomy of the United States.

Rockwell Experience Center将帮助教授Armi的成员,包括医生和研究人员,如何利用智能制造来扩展再生医学产品,以便可以更快地将其交付给更多的人。该中心包括来自Rockwell,Air Science,Cytiva,Festo和HID Global的设备。该中心的焦点是与各种Rockwell Technologies集成的完全自动化的Cytiva设备工艺过程。这些包括分布式控制系统,制造执行系统和数字双胞胎。

Rockwell Automation的Armi董事会成员兼首席执行官Blake Moret表示:“ Rockwell Experience Center展示了Rockwell对Armi的长期支持,并且Smart Manufacturing Technologies可以扮演再生医学来扩展。”“阿米(Armi)的工作培训工人在这个快速发展的行业中竞争和获胜是制造业和美国竞争力的一个令人兴奋的模式。”

Armi由Inventor Dean Kamen领导,第一机器人的创始人和Segway人类运输车的发明者,第一个自动可穿戴胰岛素泵,便携式透析机,净水器,全地形电动轮椅和Deka-Luke Prosthetic手臂。卡门(Kamen)表示,他在Armi最早的日子里聘请了Moret,看到潜在的角色自动化可能会弥补实验室科学与商业可行的产品之间的差距。

“To say that the addition of the Rockwell Experience Center at the ARMI|BioFabUSA facility will be impactful to the area of regenerative medicine would be an understatement,” said Dean Kamen, executive director of ARMI. “By opening this center, we are able to demonstrate the baseline tools by which different types of human tissues and organs can be manufactured at scale. It's life-changing.”

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