5月24日至25日,“ Auvesy-MDT Connect 2022”将连接来自世界各地的500名行业专家



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Advances in the field of automation and the digitalization of modern production facilities is leading to increased complexity and risk of production failure, the damage of which can quickly run into millions. AUVESY-MDT Connect 2022 will offer a unique opportunity for exchanging experiences and offering ideas around this topic and others related to today’s production challenges. During this event, AUVESY-MDT will introduce its recently developed digital platform for the first time. This platform has been precisely tailored to the needs of the industry.

技术演讲将包括来自国际组织和公司(例如西门子能源)的当前申请的许多示例,例如CERN和Nanostone Water。除此之外,计划持续两天的活动将由Fraunhofer Institute以及领先的网络安全提供商Claroty进行演讲。有关更多信息,请参见以下链接:https://auvesy-mdt.com/de/connect2022。

"We are pleased to present various IT and OT security insights that we have gained from the over 3,200 installations at our approximately 2,500 globally distributed customers. Thanks to the successful merger of AUVESY and MDT, we have once again extended our leadership position as an industry partner for creating maximum resilience, minimizing downtime, and ensuring the highest quality and safety standards. At Connect 2022, we look forward to sharing our expertise with our customers and other interested parties as part of this innovative forum," says Dr. Tim Weckerle, Group CEO of AUVESY-MDT.

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