Surgere, a Pioneer in IoT Supply Chain Management, Brings Automotive Supply Chain Visibility to ABC INOAC Exterior Systems

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ABC INOAC Exterior Systems LLC, a joint venture between ABC Technologies and INOAC Corporation that provides automotive exterior products to Japanese and US OEM manufacturers, has procuredsurgere's patented RFID technology to use in their manufacturing process, to gain visibility on production. This is the first time Surgere has deployed a supply chain solution inside the production facility.

该战略于11月9日在俄亥俄州弗里蒙特的ABC Inoac植物中,将Surgere RFID系统与内部系统集成在一起,以在生产组件期间捕获必要的指标。通过RFID集中式数据存储库,设施能够在奇异地点捕获这些指标,并在整个生产过程中轻松利用它们。通过该过程,该设施实现了大量的好处,包括提高生产力,部件可追溯性,资产跟踪和改进的库存可见性。

Previously, ABC INOAC’s inventory management was manually driven and required non-value-added time. The company was limited by visibility and reporting structures to ensure quality and compliance. By implementing Surgere’s patented tracking system, ABC INOAC will improve inventory management through the reduction of indirect labor, decreased cycle count times, and reduction of variances.

“We are excited to be introducing Surgere’s solutions into our facility,” saidDaniel Whiting, IT Systems Analyst at ABC INOAC. “The ability of this company to integrate with our existing systems has been paramount in the project’s initial success. The Surgere team has been tremendous to partner with and the drive and knowledge displayed by the team is second to none. One of the most critical components to a successful project is a shared vision among all stakeholders and this team has been undoubtedly one of the best with which I have had the privilege to work.” Stacy Powers, project co-manager and Senior Quality Engineer states, “By utilizing their innovative system we are better able to monitor quality metrics in real-time and modify our production processes accordingly. This allows us to continuously align our business practices with evolving customer requirements. Implementing this system is allowing us to be on the cutting edge of automation while enhancing customer satisfaction.”

通过th Surgere部分提供完整的可追溯性e entire production process using an automated data collection system enabled by Ultra High-Frequency RFID tags. Each tagged part is autonomously read via an RFID antenna at multiple inflection points throughout the production process. The tag has been tested at high temperatures to ensure it can withstand the heat of the paint line and in various UAT environments.

“RFID technology is an extremely useful solution for scenarios such as these where human-readable information becomes hidden during production,” said William Wappler, founder and CEO of Surgere. “It is not always feasible to make a tag visible throughout the entirety of the manufacturing process, but the data is still vitally important for product visibility and line efficiency. Our tags have been tested in many different environments, and performing with layers of paint coverage adds to the list of capabilities to capture information in increasingly complex environments that different industries bring.”

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