Omron Launches Proof of Concept Center in Metro Detroit



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Industry-leading automation solutions provider,Omron Automation Americas,已在密歇根州诺维市开设了一个新的概念中心证明(POCC),客户可以与应用程序工程师合作,并可以访问最新的技术来开发创新的自动化解决方案。POCC是一个连接的实验室环境,可提供现实世界,动手应用程序开发,测试和技术培训。


Coupled with its highly skilled, onsite engineering team, the 6,000 square foot PoCC houses the latest industrial automation technologies, including robotics, artificial intelligence, machine control, advanced sensing and safety innovations. The PoCC also features a hands-on traceability experience where a guest can walk through a simulated manufacturing process to better understand the benefits of an advanced quality and traceability solution. The ability to detect and correct product design or production flaws can save significant time and money by avoiding future defects, recalls and start-up delays.

Omron Automation Americas的技术和战略销售高级总监Jeff Hall表示:“无论我们的客户服务的行业多样性,他们都了解推进自动化并将更智能技术整合到其流程中的重要性。”“对于客户来说,很难知道从哪个行业开始4.0旅程,因此利用我们的工程师的专业知识至关重要。当前的严重劳动力短缺已升级对自动化技术的需求。底特律POCC采用了自动移动机器人(AMR),固定和协作机器人以及高级控制解决方案等技术,以支持这些行业挑战。”

最新的欧姆龙PoCC,九PoCC地点之一in the Americas, is centrally located to service companies throughout Michigan and the Midwest region and currently serves many industries including automotive, aerospace, food and commodities, infrastructure, life sciences, and logistics. Automation and manufacturing professionals who would like to tour the facility, meet Omron experts, and learn more about its service can schedule a visit

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