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Xaa编辑部Tcm27 101934年代愿景

Today is an exciting day forSiemens当我们为软件投资组合的未来奠定基础,并通过Xcelerator作为服务(XAAS)为社区奠定基础。

什么时候我们介绍了Xcelerator– an integrated portfolio of engineering software, services and an application development platform that brings together the industry’s broadest and deepest technologies available to make our industrial customers’ digital transformation goals a reality – we blured the boundaries between engineering domains to help our customers speed digital transformation.

Xceleratorenables innovative product design and manufacturing via robust digital threads that ensures data is accessible when and where it is needed. Through a comprehensive digital twin, organizations optimize their products and processes throughout the lifecycle. While many companies claim to offer a digital twin, only Siemens has the toolset, domain knowledge and usage expertise to deliver the comprehensive digital twin with the fidelity and breadth that manufacturers need to thrive in a world of complexity and deliver the innovation that customers and the market demand.

领先的行业分析师,Cimdata,相信,“ Xcelerator投资组合提供了一个广度和深度,即制造企业需要创建一个全面的,可行的数字双胞胎,并管理完整的产品生命周期,从创建到生产和服务跨越异质价值链。”

6月,在西门子Capital Market Day,our president and CEO,Tony Hemmelgarnjoined the Siemens Managing Board and leadership team to announce our intention to transition the Siemens Digital Industries Software business to SaaS (Software as a Service). We are transitioning to this new business model to fundamentally rethink the way our technology generates value for our customers and how we use the cloud to make our solutions more accessible, more flexible, and more scalable than ever. We have spent considerable time talking with our community and have worked on our own technologies and developed our strategy to build something truly transformational – for Siemens and for our customers. We’re not simply adding a new user interface on top of existing tools, basic file sharing capabilities or moving limited desktop CAD functionality into the cloud. Instead, we’ve been focused on leveraging the cloud to deliver our industry-leading technology in new ways and to reduce the challenges of access, flexibility and scalability facing our customers today.

Today, we are expanding the Xcelerator portfolio with the introduction ofXceleratoras a Service(XAA)。我们最近的内部开发和收购,包括MindSphere,MendixSupplyframe, have laid the cloud-native foundation for our move to SaaS – and Xcelerator as a Service is how we are going to continue to deliver on that strategy.

Xceleratoras a Service will make the Xcelerator portfolio moreaccessible, enabling manufacturing organizations and their extended value-chains to have a single source of truth and the ability to tap into high-performance computing, at any time, from anywhere and on any device. Cloud-based services will remove the need for HPC hardware or in-house IT expertise and allow anyone to carry out compute-intensive tasks via a web browser – whether that’s advanced multi-physics simulation available to all or AI-driven generative engineering.

XaaS will offer need-based access to tools, features and compute resources organizations require, as they want them – viaflexible个性化提供即时生产力的解决方案。XAAS的核心原则是,通过可组合和可配置的解决方案帮助我们的客户实现目标,同时赋予个人用户塑造自己的工作空间以最大程度地发挥作用。

制造企业越来越需要常e the size of a team or manufacturing line, and with the increasedscalability由XAA提供的组织可以迅速适应市场状况,并在需要时增加能力和能力。在投资材料或设备之前,这将使临时和已建立的利益相关者群体与最全面的数字双胞胎共同构建和测试产品和流程。

As we build capabilities and expand the offering, Xcelerator as a service will make new things possible for many types of companies. For example, a跨国汽车OEM通过内部和多层供应商LED团队之间的安全合作,将能够使用XAAS来增加其全球分布式供应链的协作。它可以将跨工程,模拟,制造和生产的专家与Mendix低代码功能​​允许量身定制解决方案以满足特定需求。

Need to onboard a new supplier because they’ve got break through innovation? Share the data you need to, in a controlled and secure manner simply by typing in their e-mail address and letting the App handle the rest. Need that simulation workflow for your suspension sub-system wrapped up into a reusable, distributable and controllable application? We’ll provide the low-code tools for the FEA expert to do it without needing a programmer. Need to collaborate with your suppliers across the other side of the planet, in virtual reality, with data from other CAD systems? Strap on that headset and let’s get to work.

或者,考虑汽车启动that needs to make the jump from concept to deliverable market introduction. Xcelerator as a Service will enable this team to use a high-end product development toolset across mechanical design, electronics, software development and more but without requiring the IT infrastructure to support it, yet with access to the same toolset used by the world’s leading manufacturing organizations to build comprehensive digital twins, at a fraction of the cost, from anywhere, any time and on whatever device needed.

Working alongside a supplier in Shenzhen and need to tweak a CAD file, recut your molds to get those first parts off the tool? Fire up your browser, log into XaaS, collaborate with your peers and make those edits in a managed environment. Got your prototype units in the field and wondering what to do with the stream of data from built-in sensors? Take advantage of the most comprehensive digital twin toolset, grab that data and drive your simulation with real-world results and deliver further innovation, faster than the competition. What about mixing in a little artificial intelligence to help push that next generation further, explore hundreds of purely virtual tests based on real world data in the cloud? We call that generative engineering, and it could change how we design products.

尽管Xcelerator作为服务是新的,但Software作为服务并不是西门子的新功能。除了基础元素外,Teamcenter X现在是一种云本地解决方案,现在是XAAS的核心部分 - 它提供了世界上使用的最广泛使用的骨干PLM软件,作为一项服务,为快速投资回报率提供即时云PLM,并随着组织的增长而扩展。

Unique to XaaS is that it offers not only access to the Xcelerator portfolio, but to a broader community – with new opportunities to collaborate across the team, organization, and supply-chain. It will include learning environments and to a rapidly expanding marketplace for applications, software components and industry expertise.

Siemens Digital Industries Software is where today meets tomorrow, and with Siemens as trusted partner and adviser we hope, through XaaS, to enable our community to expand the boundaries of what they’re capable of, envision and build their own future. There is much more to come, so join us on this journey to a new digital future by跟随我们在LinkedIn上或者Facebook或了解有关Xcelerator作为服务的更多信息这里.

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