如今,抬起钢梁,移动容器或控制起重机不需要太多的原始强度。相反,需要的是灵巧和操纵杆。瑞典的Kristianstads Lyftdon AB在为您控制起重机和工业运营的运营商机舱生产符合人体工程学的解决方案方面拥有长期的经验。在HMS Anybus技术的帮助下,它们的新操纵杆可用于使用Profinet的工业应用。
Kristianstads Lyftdon AB, or KLAB, are experts in ergonomic lifting and driver’s chairs for industrial use. They develop and build operator cabins for larger cranes used in the steel industry, heating plants, waste-handling stations, etc. With a focus on ergonomics, they produce everything needed inside an operator’s cabin — the most important operational part being the steering device itself, the joystick, which the operator uses to control the machine.
"We have been making joysticks since the start in 1978 and have a good idea of what the industry needs,” says Sven Holmer, owner and chairman of KLAB. And continues “When we designed our latest joystick, we wanted to provide it with bus communication. Previously, these solutions have often been hard-wired. As the industry is increasingly moving towards Ethernet communication and several of our major customers are in central Europe, PROFINET was the network we mainly wanted the joystick to communicate on. ”
The joystick from KLAB can be built into any operator cabin. With Anybus CompactCom in place, it can communicate on PROFINET (and also any other network) which increases the potential market.任何网络
KLAB的技术合作伙伴建议他们使用HMS的Anybus Compactcom,以使操纵杆能够在Profinet上进行交流。正如名称所暗示的那样,Anybus允许操纵杆在任何网络(FieldBus或Industrial Ethernet)上进行通信。您可以轻松切换到另一个Anybus Compactcom,从而在其他网络上进行通信,例如以太网/IP,EtherCat,Modbus-TCP或CC-Link IE字段。这打开了在世界其他地区出售新市场的操纵杆的机会。
说:“我们从PROFINET斯文KLAB霍尔默, “but of course we also see new opportunities now that the joysitick can communicate on other industrial networks in other markets.“
Under the joystick, we see Anybus CompactCom B40 for PROFINET (integrated at the bottom).任何形式
Anybus Compactcom在外形方面也很灵活。用户可以选择集成包含所有必要软件的芯片,或者是所谓的砖块,包括用于PCB安装的硬件和软件。第三个替代方法是完整的紧凑型模块,该模块仅插入最终产品。
KLAB chose the Brick solution — Anybus CompactCom B40 — which suited the joystick well in terms of size, functionality and price.
“我们现在看到了新的机会,即Joysitick可以在其他市场的其他工业网络上进行交流。”克莱伯的老板兼董事长斯文·霍尔默(Sven Holmer)说。Embedded web server makes data availableAnother major advantage of the Anybus solution is that it has a built-in web server that allows KLAB to store data from the joystick — both for control and analysis. This means that KLAB and their customers can gain important insight into how the joystick is used by operators. This opens opportunities to refine and improve the product for different applications. The web server also makes it possible to access and configure the solution from anywhere.
斯文·霍尔默(Sven Holmer)将Anybus技术的实施描述为相对容易 - 从想法到完成和工作产品大约一年。“我们绝对可以更快地做到这一点,但是我们还有很多事情要做,这样的开发项目通常必须等待一点。” Sven Holmer说。“但是,我们没有遇到任何重大问题,并且在HMS的良好支持下,通信解决方案顺利实现。”