Serial Production of Hexadrone's Tundra Modular Tool-Carrier Drone with Fischer Connectors' Rugged, Miniature Connectivity Solutions


On April 30,Hexadroneunveiled its first serial drone, the Tundra, a ruggedized, multi-functional, modular drone that will be industrially manufactured in a factory under construction in France. The Tundra uses ultra-rugged, miniatureFischerUltiMate™ and Fischer MiniMax™ connectivity solutions, able to withstand the harsh environments the drone may need to operate in.


Tundra于2021年4月30日在其串行版本上亮相,是一种独特的100%模块化,多功能无人驾驶汽车(UAV),设计和制造为集成商的开发中心。该机构配备了许多界面,可以集成市场上已经可用的配件,传感器和其他模块,或者是新的模块的开发。这使苔原能够适应自定义特征和最新状态的快速变化,这也有助于它打击过时。无人机的手臂可以互换且易于移除。用户可以根据计划的各种任务和飞行方案从三种不同类型中进行选择。有了最耐用的武器,苔原可以在30分钟的飞行时间内承载高达四公斤的有效载荷 - 在多旋风无人机世界中的高性能。

The serial production of the Tundra, made possible thanks to the construction of an industrial building underway in Saint Ferréol d'Auroure in the Haute-Loire, is the logical next step in this drone’s development that meets the market needs analyzed by Alexandre Labesse, Hexadrone’s Chairman and Founder: "With this multifunctional, modular tool carrier, our customers are opening up the field of possibilities in their collaborative projects and lowering their development costs when they adapt the drone to users’ new needs and new technologies on the market. This is not possible with most of today's drones, which are designed for a single type of use and quickly become obsolete due to rapid technological advances. In response to obsolescence, we’ve opted for adaptability and durability."

The Tundra’s durability is ensured through a robust design that allows for intensive use in the field. The drone is waterproof and can cope with harsh conditions. Moreover, transportation and assembly in the field are easy, as the landing gear can be fitted and the arms screwed on in less than a minute.

To fulfill the drone's technical requirements for modularity, reliability, durability, ruggedness and ease of use, Hexadrone choseFischer连接器' high-performance, ultra-robust, push-pull connectivity solutions. The Tundra comes equipped with a rugged Fischer UltiMateTMUSB 2.0连接器在所有条件下都具有防水且可靠的连接器。标准界面可以容纳Fischer Minimax链接的外部模块TM连接器和电缆,可优化板载电子设备的高密度微型化,例如配套计算机,存储模块,安全键或激光雷达,该苔原可以使用激光器安装某些空中遥感任务。

Guy Lacroix, Director of Fischer Connectors France, is very happy with the technological partnership established throughout this rugged drone’s development: "We’ve been supporting the Tundra's innovations from the outset. Our experts are gratified to have been able to see the project through to serial production with suitable connectivity solutions. Since connectivity lies at the heart of this rugged UAV, our high-performance solutions proposed in this modular offering cover the whole range of integrators’ technical requirements in terms of robustness and reliability, miniaturization, sealing up to IP68, and data transmission".

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