Regal Introduces Browning® TorqTitan™ Notched Belt

与常规V带相比,Regal拥有TORQTITAN™Notched Belt的维护为零。

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Regal Torque Titan Photo

Regal Beloit Corporation是电动机,电动机控制,发电和发电部件的领先制造商,今天宣布将引入其新的褐变Torqtitan Notched Belt。

Torqtitan Notched Belt利用创新的弹性体,优化的绳索布置和Notch曲线,使其成为Regal曾经产生过的功率最大和节能的V带。


“TorqTitan齿形皮带是该行业的冷杉t bandless zero-maintenance V-belt,” said Jesse Dupuis, director of marketing — HVAC industry group at Regal. “The belt’s innovative minimal-stretch cord technology and a proprietary cord treatment process keep it from suffering from severe tension decay in the first hours after installation. So, no run-in period or any re-tensioning is required. This is especially convenient in difficult-to-reach belt drives. No re-tensioning means no machine or production downtime and helps reduce downtime costs for maintenance and plant engineers.”


The TorqTitan belt, with newly formulated EPDM rubber material, resists hardening to avoid cracking in temperatures up to 260 F, making it the ideal solution for hot-air HVAC applications or other high-temperature environments. Similarly, the belt maintains exceptional performance in extreme cold conditions as low as -58 F.

有关Browning Torqtitan凹口皮带的更多信息,请访问

About the Company
Regal Beloit Corporation(NYSE:RBC)是电动机和控制,发电产品和发电机组件的工程和制造的全球领导者,为全世界的客户提供服务。他们的目标是通过开发和负责任地生产节能产品和系统来创造更好的明天。


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