ACC Announces Smart Start Program

Automated Control Concepts (ACC) announces a new initiative—Smart Start—designed to help manufacturers begin the journey to digital transformation and information-based decision-making.

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Smart Start is a straightforward, cost effective way to achieve a specific operational goal on a particular manufacturing line or process area. As Chris Monchinski,ACCVP of Manufacturing Intelligence states:“Plant-wide MOM/MES initiatives may appear complex. Smart Start lets a manufacturer tackle a specific use case and achieve a functional solution in a target area quickly and cost-effectively.” Typical goalsfor aSmart Start are uncovering the cause of variable quality or performance in the target area. "Weare excited that ACC has chosen TrakSYS™ to power their Smart Start initiative" said, BethBurger, Parsec’s Director of Strategic Initiatives. “Built to be quickly deployed with out-of-the boxfunctionality, the Smart Start packages come with a comprehensive set of features thathave been designed to address manufacturers' most pressing needs.”

Smart Starts include the software licenses based on Parsec TrakSYS™ as well as services delivered by ACC’s manufacturing information and automation team, resulting in an operational functional system that starts delivering value in about six weeks. Standard Smart Start packages include Quality, Performance, and Track & Trace. ACC can also customize a Smart Start tailored to a specific set of operational needs.

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