
新的ThinkEdge SE30 Andse50在优势的边缘实现数字转换,用于医疗保健,零售,制造和所有数据依赖行业。


联想™今天宣布为嵌入式世界2021数字虚拟展览期间的边缘的所有新的嵌入式计算机产品组合。从Lenovo的现有Edge产品组合建立,ThingEdge设备 - 新的ThinkEdge SE30和ThinkEdge SE50 - 足够小,粗犷,强大,以满足Expert Edition的苛刻需求,安全性和边缘的可扩展性。

据估计,到2025,75%的企业生成的数据将在边缘处理。[我] The global pandemic has become a catalyst for digital transformation and accelerated the push to the edge for many levels of the enterprise, as new solutions for operations and sales are introduced in global markets. Edge computing applications are numerous and growing rapidly. Retailers are implementing more automated checkouts and dynamic signage, real-time store traffic monitoring, inventory and fulfilling. Manufacturers are further automating assembly lines with predictive maintenance alerts and utilizing smart cameras for safety and quality inspections. Healthcare turns to edge computing for remote patient monitoring and medical device integration. With increased need for powerful, real-time insights across industries, the edge is becoming more critical and complex than ever.


ThinkEdge Portfolio.

“Edge Computing是企业内智能转型的关键基础设施,”联想智能设备集团战略副总裁Jon Pershke表示。“ThinkEdge Portfolio中的新产品是专门建造的设备,旨在以前提或嵌入解决方案,为联想客户提供性能,安全性和可扩展性的优势。”

新的ThinkEdge SE30是用于边缘工作负载的小型和坚固的计算设备。其中包括最新的11款TH. Gen Intel® Core™ i5 vPro® processors for industrial computing. The processor improves compute power, accelerates AI workloads, and is built for the challenges of edge implementations in enterprise with extended temperature support from -20 to +60 Celsius, long-life reliability, as well as enhanced security and manageability features.

TheShinkEdge SE30将在全球4G支持中开始,并在今年下半年具有5G可用性,并在今年下半年进行关键载体支持[III]。 5G edge devices enhance wireless connectivity to match the low-latency, high-reliability, and high-capacity capabilities of existing wireline solutions with both improved agility of capabilities and better return on investments.

ThinkEdge SE30的嵌入式申请包括用于智能零售,制造中的自动化生产线的售货亭和ATM,以及医疗保健的医疗设备监测。


  • 第11型Intel®Core™I5VPro®处理器用于工业计算
  • 高达16GB内存和1TB存储(四)
  • 无风扇,操作温度范围-20至60摄氏度
  • 4g 1和5g 1模块

ThinkEdge SE30ThinkEdge SE30

新的 ThinkEdge SE50 is designed for versatile applications that require higher analytics and data processing at the edge. The embedded edge compute device includes an Intel® Core™ i5 or i7 vPro® processor for industrial computing and up to 32GB of memory.

终端用户可以部署ThinkEdge SE50来聚合和分析来自分布式物联网设备的实时数据。这种智能边缘设备可以过滤并将物联网数据通过广域网转发到云或数据中心。客户可以选择利用OpenVINO™工具包,利用尖端硅和优化软件来增强他们的尖端人工智能策略。


  • 第11代Intel®Core™I7或I5VPro®处理器用于工业计算
  • 32GB内存和最多2TB存储[v]
  • 凡的风扇,运行温度范围为0至50摄氏度,和IP50等级
  • 2升设计与完整的工业I / O.

ThinkEdge SE50ThinkEdge SE50联想的解决方案给客户带来优势

thinkkedge的产品组合得到了越来越多的行业领先软件供应商、oem和系统集成商的支持,他们提供的设备成为整个生态系统的无缝组成部分。thinkkedge认证解决方案合作伙伴包括Telit、IMS Evolve、Software AG等。

ThinkEdge设备已准备好嵌入解决方案中,以加速市场的时间,提高OEM的效率。联想,通过它 OEM解决方案 business, provides secure, reliable hardware and services to design purpose-built appliances and solve industry pain points.

从2021年年中开始,联想thinkkedge SE30和SE50将在全球部分市场上市。参观 ThinkEdge网页 to find out more or contact your local Lenovo sales representative.                                                                                     

[我] Gartner '基础设施和运营领导者的边缘计算手段是什么

(二) Lenovo commissioned an online survey of 288 U.S. IT managers in roles associated with edge computing in organizations that employ at least 500 people, the survey was conducted December 12-18, 2020.

[III] Requires 5G network service and separately purchased cellular data plan that may vary by location. Additional terms, conditions and/or charges apply. Connection speeds will vary due to location, environment, network conditions and other factors.


