并rs - 232和rs - 232 + 2个1端口parallel Express Serial Cards replace the company's existing MSC-204A1 and MSC-202ALP, respectively. The new multi-port serial cards retain all the benefits of their predecessors, providing increased throughput, reduced CPU load, serial bus speeds of 250Mbytes/sec to 4GBytes/sec, full plug-and-play compatibility, serial power over Pin-9, and no IRQ or I/O address conflict problems. The MSC-204A2 provides four high performance 16C950-type UART compatible RS-232 serial ports. It features a 1-chip solution for PCI Express boards to increase throughput and reduce CPU loading. The MSC-202ALP1 PCI Express I/O adapter provides two high performance 16C950-type UART compatible serial ports and bi-directional parallel ports. Both cards are designed for a PC, thin client, or server to provide instant COM port expansion via the PCI Express Bus (PCIE).
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