

Lantronix将于今年晚些时候发布Xport Edge IoT Gateway。
Lantronix将于今年晚些时候发布Xport Edge IoT Gateway。

For evidence as to how quickly the industrial technology market is gearing up to enable greater connectivity—for both new and legacy equipment—consider how little time has passed since my meeting with Lantronix last fall at the Internet of Things Solutions World Congress.在那次会议上,我们讨论了该公司的MACH10全球设备管理器,该工具为OEM和系统集成商设计,旨在为工业设备提供安全的Web规模设备管理。Since that last meeting, Lantronix has been putting the finishing touches on its newest tools for OEMs—its XPort Edge wired IoT gateway and its xPico 250 wireless gateway.

Lantronix市场营销副总裁Shahram Mehraban在纽伦堡举行的2018年嵌入式世界活动中预览Xport Edge。具有强大的网络通信堆栈,企业级安全性和集成基于云的设备管理的完整物联网网关,与XPORT相同的专利形式。”

根据该公司的说法,Xport Edge是“行业中第一个真正的有线物联网网关,易于部署RJ45连接器的外形”。Lantronix预计将在2018年底之前提供。

Lantronixalso announced the upcoming release of its xPico 250 embedded wireless gateway, which is designed to allow OEMs to add dual-band industrial Wi-Fi, dual-mode Bluetooth and Ethernet network connectivity with enterprise security into their industrial devices. Mehraban notes that, like Lantronix’s xPico 240, the xPico 250 comes pre-tested and pre-integrated with the company’s Mach10 Global Device Manager, Lantronix Gateway Central and TruPort Security including secure boot technology. The xPico 250 gateway is planned for release later in Q1 2018.

Mehraban说:“ XPORT和新的Xport Edge针对工业机器制造商和OEM。这些OEM中的大多数没有内置的网络连接,因为这些机器从未被设计为连接到网络。IoT网关(例如Lantronix SGX5150)用于通过将这些机器上的现有串行接口连接到IP网络(无论是有线还是无线),来为这些旧式设备提供网络连接。”


At the Embedded World event, Lantronix also demonstrated its new Lantronix Gateway Central Software as a Service (SaaS) powered by the Lantronix Mach10 IoT Platform. According to Mehraban, the Lantronix Gateway Central provides means to provision and manage Lantronix IoT gateways quickly and securely. Lantronix Gateway Central SaaS is available for both external and embedded IoT gateways, including PremierWave XC HSPA+, PremierWave 2050, SGX 5150, the new xPico 240 and xPico 250 embedded wireless gateways, and the XPort Edge.

Clarifying the difference between the Lantronix Gateway Central Software and the company’s Mach10 Global Device Manager, Mehraban says that Gateway Central Software is “a device management solution for Lantronix gateways—not OEM devices—and it is offered as a SaaS on a per-gateway pricing basis. The Mach10 Global Device Manager is targeted at OEMs to help them build multi-tenant device management capability for their own devices, as well as our gateways. Global Device Manager is a tool to help OEMs build a customized solution for their products.”

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