
Particularly strengthening the oil and gas offering, KEPServerEX V5.18 leverages new liquid capabilities in ABB Totalflow measurements.

KEPServerEX V5.18 supports new liquid capabilities in ABB Totalflow for the oil and gas industry.
KEPServerEX V5.18 supports new liquid capabilities in ABB Totalflow for the oil and gas industry.

WhenKepware Technologies适用于对其Kepserverex Communications软件的更新,有时它正在寻求添加新功能以捕获新市场,有时重点是扩展现有功能以满足客户需求。最新版本,Kepserverex版本5.18,在后一种类别中牢牢落在后一类。

“此版本非常侧重于增强现有客户的能力,”Kepware产品管理总监John Harrington表示,描述已进行的更新。“在每种情况下,我们采取了现有的功能,使他们更灵活,更有能力对我们的客户。我们认识到需要增长业务,但我们也认识到需要帮助和支持我们现有客户。“

Key enhancements for the latest release include additional device connectivity and an improved user experience for customers in Kepware’s key markets: manufacturing, oil and gas, and power and utilities. Based in all cases on feedback from customers about their needs, updates include:

  • 介质级冗余插件现在支持用户可配置的触发机制,可以根据单点值更改,质量变化或更改速率启动故障转移。
  • 现在可以将更改实时标记为标记定义。这些更改适用于现有的和新客户端,并确保所有连接客户端的完整性。
  • ABB TotalFlow驱动器现在支持液体电子流量测量(EFM)数据收集。它还能够从TotalFlow设备中检索趋势日志文件(哪些日志实时数据点,如流量速率,压力和温度),并通过CSV文件使其可用。


The EFM plug-in is a set of functionalities that Kepware added to its communications software a few years ago, but which was initially focused on gas measurement, Harrington explained. ABB modified its Totalflow product to support liquid measurement shortly before Kepware came out with this software release, so the two companies worked closely together to enhance the EFM capabilities accordingly for this latest version.

The enhancements that Kepware made to its core server are applicable to all of its key markets, Harrington said. “With our software, we’re constantly balancing features and capabilities that provide integrity, flexibility and scalability of the overall platform,” he explained. “In some ways, they run in conflict with each other. It’s very hard to combine all of them. In the past, we always erred on the side of integrity.”


Kepserverex v5.18功能更新为32个产品,包括对OPC UA客户端驱动程序的显着增强功能,高级标签插件和调度程序插件。它包括Fisher Roc Suite的新Fisher Roc和Roc Plus以太网驱动程序以及所有ROC套件驱动程序中的其他操作码支持。Kepware还最近发布了客户端版本4.0.2.7,一个.NET Developer Toolkit,使应用程序员能够设计自定义OPC客户端。

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