
EtherCAT技术集团(ETG)的成员增长已达到另一个重要里程碑:随着空中客车运营公司(Airbus Operations GmbH)的加入,ETG的成员人数最近突破了3000人大关。


Aw 32797 Etg 142014

EtherCAT技术集团(ETG)的成员增长已达到另一个重要里程碑:随着空中客车运营公司(Airbus Operations GmbH)的加入,ETG的成员人数最近突破了3000人大关。最近在德国纽伦堡举行的SPS IPC Drives 2014贸易展期间,ETG展位上举行了一场纪念活动。

EtherCAT技术集团在世界范围内的成员数量有增无减,最近该组织的第3000个成员的加入证明了这一点。EtherCAT技术集团执行董事Martin Rostan很高兴地欢迎这位杰出的新成员加入ETG:“我们很高兴空客,一家全球知名和受尊敬的公司,加入了我们的组织,当然,公开支持EtherCAT技术的价值。2003年,ETG成立时只有33名成员。现在,这一群体的数量已经超过了3000人,来自全球58个国家,这有力地证明了这项技术在全世界范围内广泛且仍在不断被接受。”

空中客车运营有限公司- Dr.-Ing代表在德国运营的空中客车公司。Volker H.-W。Meyer参加了在德国纽伦堡举行的SPS IPC Drives 2014展。Meyer在空中客车公司的高升力系统测试中负责控制和测量技术,他在EtherCAT技术集团的贸易展览摊位上被授予了奖项和官方ETG会员证书。

Meyer explained why Airbus joined the ETG as follows: “Since we have used EtherCAT successfully in measuring systems for data acquisition for several years, we’re looking for a possible wider use of the technology in real-time capable test systems, in which not only the performance itself, but also guaranteed response times in narrow tolerances are crucial. We see further benefits in the decentralized architecture, expandability, and not least in the openness of the standard so that future test systems can benefit from developments in other industries. That’s why we joined in the EtherCAT Technology Group. Being a member, we profit from the comprehensive support services of the ETG, including training and access to free software. This enables us to assist our development partners in the most capable way.”

