HMS expands Netbiter Remote Management offering

HMS Industrial Networks now expands the Netbiter Remote Management offering to include three different services catering for different user needs.


Aw 26758 Netbiter Applications

HMS Industrial Networks now expands the Netbiter Remote Management offering to include three different services catering for different user needs. The dedicated services enable both quick connection to a single remote machine, as well as advanced projects including multiple installations and users. HMS also presents a new Netbiter EasyConnect gateway (EC310) which communicates via Ethernet only.

Three different services
Netbiter远程魔法是一个基于云的解决方案gement of equipment such as power generators, PLCs, sensors, tanks etc. Users connect a Netbiter gateway to their equipment and log in to the online data center Netbiter Argos (, where they can access their devices online. Netbiter now includes three different services:

  • 远程访问 - 免费且包含Netbiter Gateway

Opens up a secure tunnel to a PLC or machine. This enables configuration, programming or debugging of almost any industrial device from any location. Users utilize their regular configuration software just as they would if they were on site.

  • 查看和控制 - 免费并包含在Netbiter Gateway附带


  • 管理和分析 - 基于订阅的服务

For large-scale, multiple installations with several users. Users can customize the Netbiter Argos interface and integrate data into their own system with the Netbiter Argos API.

“With this new service offering, we take another step in making it easier for our customers to access their field equipment online,” says Henrik Arleving, Product Line Manager at HMS Industrial Networks. “We can now offer a quick and easy solution for monitoring a single installation online as well as powerful multi-site management with multiple users for larger installations. Netbiter can now meet even more demands for putting field equipment online, realizing the Internet of Things.”

New gateway
HMS还提供了新网关,NetBiter EC310,仅通过以太网从远程站点发送数据。这是EC350的补充,它通过移动电话网络(3G / GPRS)和通过以太网通信。

>> For more information about the new Netbiter services at the new website, clickhere

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