ODVA对其网络规格的双年度更新有助于使最终用户和OEM能够解决特定的工业自动化应用程序。2012年4月的增强功能建立在2011年11月发布的与能源相关的增强基础上。结果,“以太网/IP规范现在包括一套全面的能源知名度和电力管理功能,并允许用户通过减少功率来节省能源ODVA执行董事凯瑟琳·沃斯(Katherine Voss)说:“在设备和设备的非运营状态下的用法可节省大量能源。”
“能源功能CIP和以太网/ IPllows users to measure energy consumption, as well as consume energy more efficiently,” Voss explained. “The definition of standards for energy reporting and power management will allow vendors to provide a scalable and comprehensive energy solution for their customers, and reduce overall time for implementation for vendors, OEMs, systems integrators and end-users alike.”
The specification enhancements also include updates for network management, including the addition of a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent in an EtherNet/IP device, and Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) as another option for high availability, alongside Device Level Ring, for devices with multiple Ethernet ports and embedded switch technology.
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用户可以通过参加2012年5月22日至23日在罗斯蒙特·希尔顿(Rosemont Hilton)(芝加哥郊区)参加自动化会议,了解有关以太网/IP和其他工业以太网协议更新的更多信息。来自SERCOS,PROFINET,CC-LINK,ETHERCAT,以太网/IP和以太网PowerLink的代表将在一个小组中,重点是回答有关区分协议的独特因素的问题。ODVA首席技术官兼Eaton高级解决方案经理Rich Harwell将在那里代表以太网/IP协议。
odva(www.odva.org) organizes specifications as a group of publications in The CIP Networks Library. Each specification is made up of one or more volumes. The latest editions of the specifications are:
- 以太网/IP规范,由CIP网络库:卷:一卷(版本3.12),两个(1.13版)和七个(版1.5)
- The DeviceNet Specification, comprised of The CIP Networks Library: Volumes One (Edition 3.12), Three (Edition 1.12) and Seven (Edition 1.5)
- The ControlNet Specification, comprised of The CIP Networks Library: Volumes One (Edition 3.12), Four (Edition 1.7) and Seven (Edition 1.5)
- The CompoNet Specification, comprised of The CIP Networks Library: Volumes One (Edition 3.12), Six (Edition 1.7) and Seven (Edition 1.5)
- The CIP Safety Specification, comprised of The CIP Networks Library:Volume Five (Edition 2.5)