Several major process automation manufacturers joined theHART Communication Foundation在新加坡的CIA2011展览(2011年11月22日)显示一系列可互操作的WirelessHART产品 - 演示为HART通信协议和IEC 62591 WirelessHART标准的制造商支持的广度的移动。
“全球的用户正在为行业供应商发送明确的信息,以解决现实世界工厂应用中可靠,强大,安全的无线通信的关键需求,”HCF执行董事Ron Helsh说。“供应商正在通过制造和运输符合用户要求的不断增加的无线休闲产品和解决方案来响应。”
根据Helson的说法,IEC 62591 WirelessHart在HART技术的基础上建立在全球超过3200多万已安装的设备上。它使用户能够获得无线技术的好处,同时保持与现有的HART设备,工具和系统的兼容性。Plants around the world are already relying on WirelessHart transmitters in applications such as annulus pressure monitoring, filter/strainer plugging, heat exchanger efficiency, pump health monitoring, safety shower/eye wash monitoring, tank farm inventory and leaks, temperature profiling, turbine performance, and others.
CIA2011的HART展位显示了ABB,Emerson,Endress + Hauser,Mactek,Pepperl + Fuchs,Phoenix联系人,Procomsol,Rohrback Cosasco Systems(RCS),R.Stahl和Siemens的WirectHart产品和解决方案。现场演示在来自多种制造商之间的发射器,网关和无线适配器之间的互操作性。
"WirelessHART transmitters are able to support a full multi-hop mesh topology networking which eliminates the need for multiple backbone routers, and the cost and risk to run power and wired networking in the field," says Helson. "This means wireless can be deployed even in a running plant. A self-organizing mesh topology establishes multiple paths between devices and is therefore very reliable without single points of failure."