根据ARC Advisory Group Inc.最近的一份报告,发达国家和发展中国家的稳定增长将使2009年的全球建筑自动化系统(BAS)推向2009年的250亿美元以上。马萨诸塞州。该公司预计BAS市场将在未来五年内以近5%的复合年增长率扩大。
该报告的首席作者ARC高级分析师David Clayton说:“对于发达地区的公司而言,[使用BAS]对现有建筑资产的战略管理是提高生产率的最佳方法之一,几乎没有运营的兴趣。”克莱顿指出:“另一方面,亚洲的公司继续扩大运营,以满足国内需求的增长,其中许多公司正在纳入最先进的解决方案。”
The move toward increasing enterprise integration enhances the need for advanced BAS solutions. Companies across all vertical building markets are striving to increase integration across the entire enterprise to improve information management and optimize the strategic decision-making process. As BAS increasingly adopt IT standards, they are increasingly converging with traditional IT infrastructures, says the ARC study, titled “Building Automation Systems Worldwide Outlook.”
Integration between BAS and enterprise systems allows companies to optimize such applications as energy management and maintenance operations. For example, enterprise integration can optimize energy management by allowing energy management solutions to monitor utility rates in real-time and collect energy use over a group of buildings set apart geographically. Using the data, energy management solutions can analyze the enterprise’s energy portfolio and place certain building in a particular energy-saving mode based on real energy usage data and real-time energy rates.
Off-the-shelf communication
Through the adoption of existing Internet standards for BAS data communication, suppliers have made it possible for BAS to communicate with enterprise systems using off-the-shelf technology already being employed in the majority of commercial and industrial buildings today. With the adoption of Internet communication standards, such as Ethernet, transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP), Web servers and Extensible Markup Language (XML), the price of integration BAS with existing enterprise systems is lowered dramatically because the level of customization necessary is reduced.