Hence, with industrial Ethernet having now overtaken traditional fieldbus technologies in terms of the number of new nodes being installed, and influences such as Industry 4.0 having a profound impact on development, how well is industrial Ethernet suited to the demands of industrial network communication going forward?
The impetus for change
任何给定技术的传播的经典模型,即创新,早期采用,扩散,巩固,标准化和替代品 - 具有相关性,但是在这里,外部影响会破坏通常的事件顺序,从而进行了巨大的变化。
Industry 4.0 is a case in point in how change is being driven from a conceptual standpoint. The practical challenges driven by Industry 4.0 include cross-platform integration, Big Data and the burgeoning proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI), all of which are significant external forces affecting network technology development.
The speed of all this change means that, as we embark on the journey to Industry 4.0, businesses need to carefully consider how to build their industrial communications infrastructure in order to remain competitive and thrive.
While industrial Ethernet networks can help future-proof your systems, the overall performance of these networks can also determine the success or failure of an enterprise. Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) demand seamless interconnection from the smallest sensor up to enterprise-level systems and beyond. Thus, the future depicted by these concepts is going to be built on data, and lots of it. This unprecedented volume of data can provide an actionable insight into the manufacturing processes. Therefore, the speed of data management capabilities of your network will be critically important.
The automation networking landscape
To succeed with all the data delivered by Industry 4.0, it is necessary to make the best use of the data without crippling the very communications systems being used to transmit it.
Therefore, industrial Ethernet networks are likely to remain a mainstay in industrial communications, helping to control industry, infrastructure and utilities by connecting different devices, machines, systems and users, regardless of where they are.
To help you make decisions around how to futureproof your industrial Ethernet network, the CLPA Gigabit white paper explains the properties that affect data transfer on industrial Ethernet networks. In addition, it looks at the design of CC-Link IE Field, how it compares with other solutions, and how this technology addresses the specific requirements of Industry 4.0.
To get a copy of the CLPA Gigabit White paper, visitawgo.to/gigabit.