
How trends around the cloud, mobile technologies and a changing workforce are impacting access to production data for decision making and planning.

Saadi Kermadi at the Wonderware 2015 conference
Saadi Kermadi at the Wonderware 2015 conference

Wonderware信息管理产品经理Saadi Kermani在2015年Wonderware会议上有关移动技术的会议上说,访问生产系统中的信息意味着您可以影响成果。“每个人都需要访问信息 - 一直是业务问题。改变的是需要该信息的上下文,因为业务的速度越来越快,我们预计会做得更少。”他补充说。

克尔曼尼说:“整个行业的另一个因素是人类。”他尤其是千禧一代。据克尔曼尼(Kermani)称,千禧一代的劳动力的主要区别在于,千禧一代通常只花一两年时间才能在当前的工作中花费一两年的时间,然后再继续前进,他们将携带他们的关键工作工具 - 智能手机和/或平板电脑。他说:“他们只想知道他们的工作是什么,以及他们的应用在哪里可以做的。”“ SmartGlance适合此模型。”

智能is Wonderware’s mobile downloadable app that provides access to plant data—such as process or operational data, metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs) and reports—on mobile devices regardless of the device’s platform, i.e., Android, iOS, Windows, etc. Kermani noted that SmartGlance is not about “generating new data, but about getting the right data to the right people when they need it. With this information in hand, users can do analysis of the data and take action by contacting people who have responsibility for it in the plant,” Kermani said.

“SmartGlance helps you monitor your equipment against production goals, such as OEE (overall equipment effectiveness),” Kermani added. “It alerts you to potential process or equipment issues and reduces the time and effort to address them with remote visibility across teams.”


The MRC enables the “connection of multiple historians, creation of reports, and tag insertions with no SQL server knowledge required,” Kermani said. “You can also use MRC to give nicknames to tags, since tag names can be long.”

关于时间安排,克尔曼尼指出,每30秒发送一次更新的速度就像可以通过智能智能推动数据一样快。“如果您需要更频繁的数据,intouch访问在任何地方is the preferred solution,” he said.

Kermani强调了Smartglance的独立适用性,他指出了石油和天然气行业的用例,在该行业中,公司正在使用SmartGlance吸引Osisoft Pi System Historian Historian Data,以使其可用于公司站点和现场的工人。“他们能够自行使用SmartGlance做到这一点。他们目前没有其他Wonderware软件。”他补充说。
