这FDT Group现在,正在通过创建基于云的调查工具来进一步迈出这一概念,该工具使行业中的任何人都可以在标准的未来方向上提供他们的意见。尽管这个想法背后的一般概念是人群采购的直接应用,但我发现标准组是我在制造或自动化行业中看到的第一个例子之一(除了GE的开放创新)。毕竟,大多数标准开发流程通常都封闭,除了精选的专业人员或组织以外的所有人的投入。
“通过将数据收集转移到基于云的技术中,我们打破了希望为我们的技术路线图开发做出贡献的个人和组织的最后剩余障碍,” Rockwell Automation的Dan Deyoung说,他担任FDT Group Technology的董事长营销委员会。
Not only does the cloud survey technology give industry pundits contributory access to the roadmap, it also enables contributors to stay up to date on the technology roadmap by requesting push updates on the status of their contribution.
该工具,可以在http://techsurvey.fdtgroup.org描述任何提议,允许贡献者new feature or capability for the FDT standard as well as a simple use case. All input is reviewed and prioritized by the FDT Group Technology Marketing committee. Once incorporated into the technology roadmap, the FDT Group Architecture and Specification committee will engineer the capability into the FDT standard and release it to the public.