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To ensure the levels of reliability required by industry, attention to detail in wireless communication installation is more involved than setting up a home or office wireless network. To address the key issues around wireless antenna selection and setup for industrial applications,Prosoft技术has released an educational video (which can be viewed at the bottom of this article) that explains many of the key facets of antenna technology that are quickly becoming a core requirement for industrial communications.


The most common industrial types of wireless antennas are also discussed, including:

  • 划线阵列天线(OMNI类型) - 本质上是几个线性天线,彼此堆叠以增加增益,以帮助从多个方向接收/发送信号;
  • Width antennas (straight and articulating omni types) — widely used for mobile worker applications;
  • Yagi(定向类型) - 由线性元件阵列组成,使信号从天线吊杆中辐射到光束中;
  • Parabolic reflector (directional type) —a dish and feed antenna where power radiates from the feed antenna toward a reflector which concentrates the signal into a narrow beam; and
  • Panel (directional type) — also known as a path antenna, these thin and rectangular antennas have a low profile and are weather resistant, but are not as focused as Yagi and parabolic types.


MIMO (multiple input/multiple output) is addressed in the video, explaining how this method takes advantage of a natural radio wave phenomenon known as multipath—where signals bounce off walls, ceilings and other objects to reach the antenna from multiple angles, multiple times. Though this radio wave behavior was known to cause signal interference in the past, MIMO-enabled antennas can take advantage of this multi-path behavior to increase communication performance. In fact, all wireless products with 802.11n support MIMO, which is key to allowing those devices to deliver much higher communication speeds.


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