
作者:自2005年以来,曼弗雷德·布里尔(Manfred Brill)负责在施耐德电气(Schneider Electric)和FDT集团执行委员会成员之间协调软件工具。

Aw 21958 Schneider Article1

FDT helps extend networking links from highest to lowest levels.


该体系结构确保了现有的I/O家庭的向后兼容性。现有的应用程序可以迁移到新系统,而无需更改任何接线。此外,通过编程工具Unity Pro确保软件一致性。自动化平台MODICON M580代表一个基于以太网的控制器。

在CPU和背板内使用具有100 mbit/s的快速以太网可以为不同的应用程序和行业领域提供灵活的体系结构。默认情况下,该平台支持以太网/IP和Modbus TCP,允许将模块直接集成到背板中,也用于合作合作伙伴。




FDT is an integral part of Unity Pro, an engineering tool that includes an embedded FDT Frame Application component. It provides all the necessary interfaces for a consistent device management for devices from Schneider Electric as well as for modules from cooperation partners and third party devices. Users therefore have a consistent method independent from the device vendor and the connected network/fieldbus systems.

Additional features ease the workload of users: when a Device Type Manager (DTM) is created in the topology, the tool automatically generates the data structures for direct use by the PLC programmer. If the Device DTM supports process data the appropriate PLC variables are created independent of the network/fieldbus type to which the device is connected. For such cases, the FDT2 specification now contains definitions introduced to be used in factory automation applications (“PLC Tool Interface“).

A network/fieldbus independent interface is defined to obtain the data from the bus master creating the PLC variables automatically.

Toolkit for partner modules



For more information about the Modicon M580, pleaseclick here
