Motoman Robots Get Ethernet Interface for Miller Auto-Axcess Power Sources

Yaskawa Motoman已更新了其为Miller ElectricMfg。Co.的数字界面。自动轴秒电源包括新的Auto-axcess E数字系列电源。

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AW 19236 Yaskawa以太网接口Miller

Yaskawa Motoman已更新了其为Miller ElectricMfg。Co.的数字界面。自动轴秒电源包括新的Auto-axcess E数字系列电源。数千个Motoman机器人用Miller Auto-Axcess和使用模拟或DeviceNet数字接口的Auto-Axcess DI功率来源出售。模拟界面易于改造为较旧的机器人。使用DI,机器人Teach Pendant可用于更改电源程序数据,通常仅限于Miller的文件管理器应用程序。

Auto-Axcess E数字电源使用以太网接口,并通过Insight CenterPoint应用程序控制焊接数据监视参数。机器人程序将零件号和焊接ID传达给Insight Centerpoint,该CenterPoint跟踪焊接数据并验证其在限制范围内。Miller的Insight Centerpoint Weld工艺管理系统也可用于跟踪焊接质量和整体设备有效性(OEE)。

The robot’s actual travel speed is monitored by Insight Centerpoint so that heat input can be measured and maintained. Process control has been improved with the ability to change pulse slope and arc control in real time. The Ethernet interface can be networked allowing up to four robots to operate from a single connection. Computers can be added to the network to manage the weld data with the Insight Centerpoint application. Like Auto-Axcess DI, the Miller Auto-Axcess E digital is available in 300, 450 and 675 amperage capacities. To find out more about Motoman robots and Miller Auto-Axcess E digital power sources with Insight, contact Yaskawa Motoman.

