家 Products Motion 视频:主要包装平台 - 熟练的PAC 自动化世界的Wes Iversen与全球销售和营销总监Rush Laselle谈论了公司的主要包装平台Adept PAC。 Nov 1st, 2010 Motion OEM's Head-to-head Pneumatic vs. Servo Test Shows CPGs Savings Stacking equipment manufacturer Forpak devised a test to see how incumbent pneumatic actuators stacked up against newer mechatronic servo technology, specifically on a frozen food stacking and laning application. These are the results. Motion NORD电动机提供了额外的强度,稳定性和冷却优势 Eliminate need for NPT adapters Robotics 配备托盘系统 Onexia展示了具有三种配套类型的palletizhd机器人托盘系统,即20公斤Doosan Cobot,一个UR10通用机器人和Fanuc的CRX Cobot。 Robotics Cobot Bin Picking System Applied Controls showcases its cobot bin picking systems using Universal Robots' ActiNav system with a UR5 cobot. Motion Beckhoff电气缸提供精确的节能运动 Offer the advantages of modern servo technology, combining high power and dynamics as an alternative to pneumatics 赞助 Kuka Robotics Agilus KR 3 R540机器人套件 Agilus系列是一个全面的小型机器人家族。他们的性能在其有效载荷类别中是无与伦比的,其中包括六个轴,高速,短周期时间和一个集成的能源供应系统。 供应商新闻 The Danfoss VLT® Soft Starter MCD 600 Now Available in an Enclosure — Product Stocked for Quick Turnaround VLT软启动器MCD 600封闭式提供了一种灵活的解决方案,可以为目前在行业中看到的潜在长期交货时间提供灵活的解决方案。 供应商新闻 Rockwell Automation发布新公告140MT电动机保护产品 The new Allen-Bradley Bulletin 140MT motor protection circuit breakers from Rockwell Automation offer enhanced Type F combination motor controller ratings when used with Bulletin 100-C and 100-E contactors. Motion Asahi/America Introduces New Electric Actuator Motion Festo New Space Optimized DSNU-S Shaves Off Size and Weight of Standard ISO Round Cylinders 该圆柱体在较小尺寸的同时取得了突破性,同时结合了可靠性和性能功能。 PELV 2021 Universal Robots/Robotiq Integrated Palletizing System At PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2021, Universal Robots and partner company Robotiq demonstrated its new palletizing system for end of line packaging systems. 赞助 4个硬件趋势推动仓库自动化的发展 As the market for warehouse automation grows, hardware will play an important role in the next generation of technological advancements. Take a closer look at four hardware trends worth watching. Motion Short-Cycle Transfers Up to Ten Times Faster: Rexroth Presents the TS 2 Booster Workpiece Pallet The TS 2 Booster was developed as a component for the established TS 2plus and helps the multi-faceted transfer system to achieve more flexibility. Motion Transport System Creates Realistic Representations of Complete Systems 提供无碰撞运动的动作,独立工作或分组工作 Motion Pallet System Allows Complete Configuration Flexibility Maintains an efficient, economical footprint Motion 借助Smart Mechatronix,Bosch Rexroth为未来工厂提供了新的解决方案 Smart Mechatronix平台将线性运动技术组件与电子和软件相结合。 Motion Allied Motion Releases Advanced DSP-based Brushless Servo Motor Drive The H Series Brushless Servo Motor Drive features hyperface DSL, multi-feedback device support, and safe torque off safety options. Motion Direct-Operated Dynamics in Three Axes AGV3D是一种用于激光微型缓存的新型3D梁挠度系统。 Motion Advanced MotionControls®引入45安培连续FlexPro®伺服驱动器 The FE060-45C-CM and the FE060-45C-EM have recently been added to the Advanced Motion Controls FlexPro digital servo drive family. Motion Motors and Drives Come Together for Motion Efficiency, Performance, Reliability 除了在能源效率,安全性,可清洁性等方面对电动机和驱动器的进步外,供应商还强调了它们如何在完整的运动系统中一起工作的重要性。