ABB announced at theUN Climate Summit今天在纽约,它正在加入联合国所有倡议(SE4ALL)的可持续能源。该公司将为节能汽车和变形金刚提供专业知识,以帮助政府制定加速能源节省的政策。
联合国希望全球转型到高效的电器和设备将在2030年将全球电力消耗降低约1,500 TWH,这相当于今天全球电力使用的8%。ABB是世界上最大的变压器,电动机和变速驱动器之一。
In a first phase, ABB will share know-how related to energy efficiency in motors and transformers, including its experience with current policies, regulations and standards, and advice on potential applications for the best available technologies.
「ABB很高兴成为联合国倡议的一部分,并有助于与能源消费和排放的经济增长促进,“ABB首席执行官Ulrich Spiesshofer说。“许多成本和节能技术已经可用。政府和企业可以在短期内抵抗气候变化的最大贡献是推动现有,测试和经常低成本技术,以更有效地使用能量。“
Electric motors account for about 28 percent of global electricity consumption. Many motors are bigger than they need to be and most are running at full speed, even when they don’t have to, said Spiesshofer.
Investing in a高效电机compared to a standard motor often results in an internal rate of return of more 100 percent. When high-efficiency motors are used in combination with variable-speed drives, even more savings can be realized because the energy used to run a motor over its lifetime costs 100 times more than the motor itself. The installed base of ABB drives is calculated to have saved more than 310 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity in 2013, equal to the annual consumption of about 32 million households in the U.S.
For their part,变形金刚account for about 3 percent of global electricity consumption and their number in emerging markets is set to almost triple by 2030, said Spiesshofer. Since the most efficient transformers consume 80 percent less electricity than the least efficient, the opportunities for savings are vast, he added.