
Combine Edge and Operational Data to Maximize IoT Value

As the trend toward digitization unfolds across industrial environments, ARC has observed a shift away from centralized Big Data and analytics to edge data management and analytics.

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That is changing. Digitization is occurring in all industrial environments. In brownfield infrastructure, intelligence is being added via devices such as sensors and gateways. In new infrastructure, we’re seeing digitization through embedded software and preconfigured intelligent equipment.

As this change has taken place, ARC has observed the market focus swinging away from centralized Big Data and analytics toward edge data management and analytics. This makes sense to some degree, as the growth of edge devices for the Internet of Things (IoT) and their related data has skyrocketed, and will continue to do so.

However, edge analytics that rely too heavily on data generated only by equipment and devices overlook some of the most valuable data and insights available to industrial companies: operational data, a portion of which is also generated at or near the operational edge, plus process knowledge.

Cloud and edge redefine analytics


This data structure precedes the Internet. As the Internet becomes a ubiquitous part of business and operating environments, this traditional data structure is being replaced.

Organizations are now beginning to see the value of a more comprehensive view of data and analysis. This improved view includes centralized processing, such as in the cloud (or even on premises on a server), and extends seamlessly to and from the operational edge.

As business leaders wrestle with the data explosion, they see cloud computing as the solution for associated volume, speed and complexity issues.




Edge Analytics将数据处理和计算靠近或在数据源(包括设备和设备)的数据来源扩展。在工业运营中,在边缘执行的分析通常支持战术用例,以效率,可靠性,计划外的停机时间,安全性和客户体验。


When thinking about the data for edge analytics, a common misperception is that they only consist of streaming data, time stamped based on the input source. They are often referred to as Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) data. The thinking here is that a combination of connection, automation, edge analysis and workflow automation are key to getting value from the data.



In addition to operational data, SMEs understand (and often design) operational processes and best practices. These high-value workers have specific knowledge of how to operate equipment, execute maintenance and ensure safety procedures. For example, crude oil engineers have expertise around impact of crude types on equipment failure during the refining process. This intellectual property is invaluable, of course, and organizations are fearful it will leave the business as workers retire or move on.

Technologies are now available that can mathematically model and capture that expertise as part of the analytics. In doing so, this process knowledge can be augmented with operational and IIoT data. This blending of knowledge and data can be used to drive the optimized decision flows and equipment performance necessary for maximizing IIoT strategies.

>>Michael Guilfoyle,mguilfoyle@arcweb.com, is director of research at ARC Advisory Group. His expertise is in analysis, positioning and strategy development for companies facing transformational market drivers. At ARC, he applies his expertise to developments related to IIoT and advanced analytics, including machine learning.

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