New IDEM KLP-Z, KLM-Z, and KL3-Z series tongue interlock safety switches with guard locking and RFID coding, fit into the leading edge of machine guard doors to provide robust guard locking while also providing a double tamper-resistant interlock mechanism. Providing position detection for moving guards, these switches remain locked until the solenoid voltage is applied to the switch. The switches can also be used in conjunction with delay timers to provide the solenoid energize signal only after a pre-determined amount of time has passed.
还有新的IDEM LMF系列不锈钢RFID编码安全开关提供了10mm的传感距离;新的M18圆柱桶BPF/BMF系列安全开关在传感后具有很高的耐受性,适合所有行业应用。
IDEM CULUS和CE批准了从AutomationDirect的锁定RFID编码的安全开关的非接触式警卫,起价为290.55美元,并得到一年保修的支持。