美国通用服务管理局已授予American Industrial Systems,Inc。(AIS),该公司的设计,制造和部署的负责架子(COTS)显示和系统。AI被授予合同#GS-35F-041BA,根据IT附表70通用计划IT设备,产品,软件和服务的指定(类别132 8用于购买新设备,132 12用于维护设备,维修服务和/或维修/备件)。
Established by President Harry Truman in 1949, the GSA was introduced to streamline the administrative work of the federal government and to oversee the business of the U.S. federal government. GSA IT Schedule 70 offers federal, state and local governments solutions to their information technology needs. IT Schedule 70 is the largest, most widely used acquisition vehicle in the federal government and provides direct access to products from certified industry partners such as AIS and their portfolio of ruggedized control and monitoring solutions.
AIS COTS Display Computers and Monitors for Military & Aerospace Applications
AIS控制和监视解决方案提供了各种军事嵌入式计算系统,包括坚固的军事显示监视器,计算机和平板电脑,非常适合根据新授予的GSA IT 70计划合同,非常适合一系列军事和航空航天应用。他们的军事崎tablay和计算机系统是专门为商业现成(COTS)军事市场而设计的,并经过精心设计,以承受极端刺激性的环境和对MIL-STD-810和MIL-STD-461标准的严格需求;并被认为适用于地面移动,国土防御和船舶委员会申请。
AIS Offers COTS-Based Embedded Computing Solutions & Displays for Marine Projects
AIS的GSA IT 70计划合同也可以从AIS获得各种坚固的显示监视器和用于海洋应用程序的集成显示计算机。AIS MARINE ECDIS显示监视器,海洋展示监视器,海军崎ession的显示器,海军崎thise Dispers Computers和Marine面板计算机的设计旨在操作和承受海上环境中的挑战,并且非常适合使用:COMBAT信息中心(CIC)(CIC)(CIC)在船上的地面船,战舰,潜艇和军用船上,以及桥梁控制,导航,监视和运输自动化应用。
AIS海洋监测和电脑符合玛丽ne equipment standards IEC 60945, DNV 2.4, and IACS-E10 needed to withstand harsh maritime environment requiring low EMI or long-term vibration resilience.
AIS Ruggedized Computer Displays for Defense and Homeland Security Requirements
Protecting interests at home and abroad in changing environments and locations for the military and government is an ongoing and difficult challenge. It requires military and homeland security solutions that can be implemented quickly, affordably and efficiently. AIS military embedded computing solutions are swiftly deployed and can operate from any domestic, international or military location while delivering the highest levels of performance and reliability. Supporting military projects and standards with high-performance embedded computing solutions, AIS manufactures rugged commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)-based displays, monitors and tablets that withstand the harshest environments to meet specific customer requirements conforming to military and government specifications. AIS offers standard and custom configurations that will fit any project requirement. From mechanical design, system platforms, add-on options, to post-sales support, AIS can take a project from start to finish with substantial development time and cost savings.
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