(www.sea.siemens.com/safety) has the leading North American market share for programmable safety systems (safety programmable logic controllers, or PLCs). VDC reports Siemens has a 33.3 percent market share for safety PLC shipments in North America. Following closely was Pilz Automation Safety L.P. (www.pilzusa.com),密歇根州广州,刚刚超过32%。总部位于密尔沃基的Rockwell Automation Inc.(www.rockwellautomation.com) share was just over 20 percent, with no one else registering more than 5 percent.
J.B. Titus, manager of Business Devel-opment and Standards for Siemens Safety Integrated, says the number one market share ranking follows a three-year development strategy that produced state-of-the art safety technology engineering. As a result, market demand for programmable safety systems, as well as acceptance of safety bus networks, has increased.
该研究的作者VDC分析师吉姆·泰勒(Jim Taylor)指出,安全性PLC市场非常新,总销售额仍然相对较小。VDC在未来五年内在该市场中预测迅速增长的销售额。
Gary Mintchell