Digi International Inc., Minnetonka, Minn., has acquired MaxStream Inc., a privately held corporation and a manufacturer of wireless device networking products. The acquisition is a merger transaction for $38.5 million of cash and stock, with $19.25 million paid in cash and $19.25 million in Digi stock.
Based in Lindon, Utah, and employing 49 people, MaxStream generated $10.4 million in revenue and $1.3 million in net income, or 12.7 percent of revenue, in the year ending Dec. 31, 2005.
"This is really an exciting combination; the strategic fit between the two companies is remarkable," said Joe Dunsmore, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Digi. "Our product lines are entirely complementary. We're both focused on the commercial-grade device networking market and our core strategies of providing turnkey box products and embedded modules are the same."
“这是一个很好的机会,这是MaxStream加入业内拥有如此良好声誉的公司,”Maxstream总裁兼首席执行官Brad Walters表示。“文化上,两家公司非常兼容,我们真的很期待共同解决快速增长的无线市场。”
Digi专注于通过嵌入式和盒装/包装产品连接商业和工业设备。通过悠久的有线连接解决方案历史,串行,通用串行总线或USB,以太网Digi在过去的四年中,在过去的四年中,在无线保真(WiFi)中的产品和能力均基于该研究所of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ IEEE 802.11 standard, and in the cellular arena. As the world continues to migrate from wired to wireless, MaxStream wireless technologies and products significantly expand Digi's wireless offering—covering both short and medium range using embedded modules and boxed/packaged solutions. Additionally MaxStream has quickly become a leader in the market for networks based on the ZigBee specification and other IEEE 802.15.4-based networks, which are targeted at very low power, low bandwidth solutions for applications such as wireless sensor networks.
“Digi和MaxStream的组合提供了为客户提供端到端无线解决方案的能力,”波士顿的Glenn Allmentser,Narbar Research Inc.的创始人和总裁。“其他公司在他们提供的东西中有限 - 本地[区域网络](LAN)或广域网(WAN)无线解决方案。Digi与他们的蜂窝路由器和局域网的一部分带有嵌入式WiFi解决方案。添加MaxStream的专有和基于ZigBee的无线技术完成了他们的投资组合。Digi在商业级无线解决方案的提供商中,Digi做了一项精彩的工作,使其成为商业级无线解决方案的提供商。他们在维持强大的财务期间做了这一转型。performance. We consider Digi ‘best-in-class’ when it comes to corporate development."