“充分利用您的能源”是施奈德电器OEM INITI @ Tive于12月3日至4日在摩纳哥公府举行的主题。在为期两天的活动期间,该公司在200多个举办的200多个客户中超过了预期的700名客户,其中包括keynotes,课程和展览。关键公告是揭幕新的自动化平台。执行副总裁兼自动化集团Michel Crochon领导人挑战与会者“去除关于我们是谁以及我们所做的先入为主的想法。”
Schneider的自动化集团采取了双管齐下的方法来重新发明其业务。首先是一个基于特定市场领域的开发专业知识中心的组织 - 包括包装,物料搬运,加热,通风和空调(HVAC),吊装(起重机),提升(电梯,自动扶梯)和纺织品。第二宗涉及开发新的自动化平台的两年过程,该平台以四个硬件平台 - 逻辑控制,运动控制,人机界面(HMI)控制和交流驱动器在四个硬件平台 - 逻辑控制,运动控制,人机界面(HMI)控制和交流驱动器上均为中心控制。
A single software application for programming and configuration called SoMachine that targets any of four hardware bases provides flexible machine control. SoMachine provides one tool, one connection, one project file and one download to develop, configure, program and commission the company’s machine control system. It uses open standards such as IEC 61131, promulgated by the International Electrotechnical Commission, and Field Device Type/Device Type Manager (FDT/DTM) technology. The hardware targets include logic controllers (a new generation of programmable logic controllers or PLCs), drives controllers (AC drives with embedded logic control), "HMI controllers," or human-machine interface computers with built-in logic controllers, and motion controllers with built-in logic control engines. Initial products will be available beginning in the first quarter of 2009 with others rolling out later in the year.
Schneider engineers have developed a number of custom function blocks for use within SoMachine that have been tested and validated in Schneider laboratories to allow customers to more quickly develop applications.
Service and support
为了帮助其OEM客户在世界市场变得更加竞争力,施奈德公司开发了2009年第一季度推出的四项服务和支持产品,2009年12月有计划的重大更新。首先是开发申请设计支持优化自动化解决方案。第二种协助客户根据Undwriters Laboratories Inc.Schneider根据UL 508a标准设计和组装机器控制面板,将通过会议,培训或定制研究提供其经济专业知识,以帮助客户访问国际市场。最后,Schneider可以提供其全球服务,以帮助OEM在最终目的地的任何地方都支持其设备。