New Webinar Focuses on Energy Management

Opto 22, developer and manufacturer of the award-winning SNAP PAC System(tm) family of programmable automation controllers, I/O, and accessories, will present the webinar "How to Use Energy Monitoring to Improve the Bottom Line" on Thursday, September 23, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (GMT 17:00).

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The live, one-hour webinar-the latest in the company's ongoing series-will feature Opto 22's Arun Sinha with guest Bill Holmes, P.E., of Holmes Energy, an expert in facility energy conservation, system operation, control, and maintenance. Holmes will explore energy monitoring technologies and strategies, and identify the significant financial savings that can be realized through energy monitoring.

As utility rates continue to escalate, energy management has become a priority for industrial facilities and businesses large and small. Increasingly, these enterprises have identified a need to reduce their power consumption or face financial crisis. The "How to Use Energy Monitoring to Improve the Bottom Line" webinar will offer practical steps customers can take to cut power consumption and costs through comprehensive power monitoring. The webinar will present real-world examples of how businesses have designed and implemented energy monitoring systems, aggregated real-time data, and subsequently altered their usage practices and policies for huge savings.

“然而,这第一步总是可见性,”says Holmes. "There is tremendous waste in every facility just waiting to be uncovered using accurate data and good engineering. Utility costs are not just a fixed overhead expense that management has no control over. Power consumption can be managed just like all other costs. But the key is information-actual real-time data gathered on a continuous basis."

For more information on Opto 22's "How to Use Energy Monitoring to Improve the Bottom Line" webinar or to register, visit

Opto 22

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