

Visualization showing changes made in automation system code. Source: Auvesy
Visualization showing changes made in automation system code. Source: Auvesy

通常被认为是更relevant to IT than operations, version control is just as critical for automation because these systems rely on software and computing technologies as much as enterprise systems do. Essentially, version control for industrial control system applications is an automated process of monitoring, tracking, comparing and backing up changes made to IEC 61131 programs.

Tracking these changes is important because modifications to controllers can lead to plant downtime if programming errors or conflicts arise. Version control helps avoid such conflicts and tracks all changes so that, in case such an error is created, it can more easily be traced back and corrected.

最近与Silke Glastetter讲话Auvesy, a supplier of version control and data management software for automated production applications, she noted that many production managers and employees remain skeptical about version control or data management systems and prefer to rely on older, manual approaches to the process. The problem with this approach, says Glasstetter, is that “the number of editors and devices will steadily increase over time, resulting in more data and a greater potential for error,” especially in light of the adoption of Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IIot) initiatives, as well as manufacturing digitalization in general.


1。Version control is unnecessary.格拉斯特特(Glastetter)说,大多数持有这种观点的人都认为,他们的生产设施以前没有使用过版本控制,也没有遇到任何问题。但是,如果没有“现代版本控制和同步上传,下载和比较过程,您永远都无法确定控制您的设施的软件版本与您最近共享的版本匹配。”

2。A homogeneous automation environment is required.这种推理系列依赖于控制器中包含的版本管理功能的使用。这里的问题是“这些解决方案仅支持制造商自己的设备,因此仅在同质生产设施中真正有用。”

As we all know, homogenous production environments are the real unicorns of industry.


3。Version control can only be made to work effectively when there are no external suppliers involved.As with the homogenous production environment reason listed above, many people contend that version control cannot support facilities in which external suppliers, such as OEMs and system integrators, play a role in maintaining operations. Glasstetter says that this is not an issue for modern version control systems. She adds that such instances—where external suppliers work with your production systems—create an even greater need for automated version control. “It’s imperative that a version control system be capable of tracking, monitoring, comparing and checking changes made to control devices by system integrators and OEMs,” she says. “Full validation and traceability are only possible if the reasons why changes have been made are documented.”

4。Backup and version control are the same.一个常见的误解GlasStetter遇到的是相信版本控制和系统备份有效地做同样的事情。她说:“它们是两种不同的工具,可以在一起使用时最有效,并确保在需要时始终可用相关数据。”“自行,集中式备份和版本控制都无法确保一致数据的100%安全性。找出中央存储的项目是否真正与生产计划相匹配的唯一方法是通过定期自动比较软件版本。这样,您可以跟踪更改并相应地分析它们。”

Glasstetter补充说,对于灾难再保险covery, you will need a restorable backup of the most recent version of your operations’ data. “This means that symbols and comments must also be uploaded,” she says. “You should therefore consider the type and quality of data backups carried out by an automated data management system so that you always have a restorable backup to maximize plant and data availability.”

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