“我们经常宁愿认为事故是操作员错误的原因,但现实是它们通常是仪器问题的结果,”在安全期间,电气和控制系统工程的技术总监Mark Murphy说。Emerson Process Management的年度用户小组会议上的仪器系统(SIS)会议。
• Know that SIF (Safety Instrumented Functions) is important for every component in your system, so give equal amounts of attention to each device.
• Understand SIL (Safety Integrity Level) ratings. Part of this understanding means knowing that using a SIL 2 transmitter with a SIL 2 PLC and a SIL 2 valve does not equal a SIL 2 SIF.
To help attendees better understand what differentiates SIF from SIS from SIL, Murphy said that SIF covers individual devices such as sensors, controllers, and final elements such as valves and actuators; SIS (Safety Instrumented Systems) is collection of SIFs; and SIL is a device’s specified integrity level related to SIF requirements.
Paying close attention to the safety aspects of instrumentation is critical because 92 percent of system failures can be traced to the final element (50 percent of failure causes) and sensors (42 percent of failure causes).
“Everyone wants to be involved in designing the logic solver component of a system, but this only accounts for 8 percent of failures,” Murphy added. “So [instrumentation] is where the efforts really need to be focused.”
Beyond sensors, field devices, and final element considerations, Murphy also pointed to two other system components that can have a direct impact on system operation and, therefore, system safety. These two components are solenoid valves and instrument air supplies.
Solenoid valves tend to be forgotten, but they are the cause of 50 percent of valve failures. Murphy cautions engineers and technicians to be aware of the build-up of particles in the solenoid valve. He adds that the air supply to the solenoid valves should be filtered, monitored, and protected from outside elements.