

AW 4270 PPISA10

执行董事Pat Gouhin于2006年1月加入,在志愿者驱动组织的动态方面拥有出色的相关经验。他显然与志愿者链路建立了牢固的关系,该志愿者现在的愿景始终如一地关注未来。

Today, one can sense a spirit of new drive and determination within the ISA organization to make it much more than it has been for several years. In addition to amalgamated volunteer leadership, the existing team of dedicated people with years of industry knowledge and experience has been expanded to generate new growth through several focused objectives.


原始名称反映在会员资格(约29,000个)中,绝大多数是美国人,在65%中美国,10% 加拿大. To be a successful global organization, the membership percentages should be the inverse of the current ratio, about 75 percent from outsideNorth America. If one makes the reasonable assumption that domestic membership has stabilized, then international membership should generate growth of at least 300 percent, to well over 100,000 members.

新的ISA希望并打算扩大全球成员资格将成为真正的“国际”。全球运营总监蒂姆·费尔德曼(Tim Feldman)于2006年7月加入ISA,担任新职位,负责制定将ISA转变为全球组织的战略。在他的第一年,他与社会领导人的工作队一起完成了尽职调查和市场分析,从而通过ISA的现金储备获得了全球计划的资金,作为全球计划的资助。费尔德曼(Feldman)在与供应商,最终用户,集成商,政府官员和学术界的主要市场举行会议上旅行,以评估并审查可以将ISA核心竞争力提供给自动化行业的潜在业务合作伙伴。

Recognizing that it will take five to seven years of continued investment to bear fruit, ISA leaders have already approved the investment of significant funds to establish a firm footprint in 印度. The investment from ISA’s reserves to enter these markets is separate, and in addition to, the budgets that will be established to fund the activities of global operations management.


·Develop and coordinate standards: ISA is already globally recognized for its Standards and Practices involvement. To help with standards compliance, the Automation Standards Compliance Institute has been started.


·Publish books and technical articles: Focus will be on automation business.


