With recent advances in computing technology, including 64-bit processing architectures, historians can collect and store large amounts of plant and process information; many can archive up to several exabytes of data. Many can simultaneously store and retrieve plant data, giving users an up-to-the-minute view of plant performance. Today's historians can handle hundreds of thousands of discrete events per second, so real-time plant data is available almost immediately for analysis. Modern computing power has enhanced historians to such a degree that rather than just being used to look back on plant performance, they can be used to predict and positively impact future performance.
使用事实上的标准和环境,例如OPC(开放连接标准)和Microsoft .NET,可以在系统和不同历史学家之间进行更轻松的接口。这可以帮助用户利用现有的历史学数据,即使他们从其他供应商中选择了新解决方案。OPC兼容性还可以轻松访问和使用来自人机接口(HMI),分布式控制系统(DCS),计算机化维护管理系统(CMM)和其他植物级应用程序的数据。由于供应商也开始提供符合OPC-UA(OPC统一体系结构)产品,因此现在还可以在非Microsoft平台上运行的应用程序可用。除了植物水平的设备外,历史学家还与企业资产管理(EAM),企业资源计划(ERP)和高级优化应用程序交往。
The ability to store, access and analyze plant data in near real time can help users identify any anomalies or troubling performance trends that could indicate a problem with plant production equipment. Historical data can be used to develop models or profiles that help users determine how a given asset should behave under normal conditions, and to set alarms or formulate maintenance strategies to balance production needs with asset viability, remotely and in real time.
Allen Avery, aavery@arcweb.com, is an analyst at ARC Advisory Group Inc., in Dedham, Mass.
With recent advances in computing technology, including 64-bit processing architectures, historians can collect and store large amounts of plant and process information; many can archive up to several exabytes of data. Many can simultaneously store and retrieve plant data, giving users an up-to-the-minute view of plant performance. Today's historians can handle hundreds of thousands of discrete events per second, so real-time plant data is available almost immediately for analysis. Modern computing power has enhanced historians to such a degree that rather than just being used to look back on plant performance, they can be used to predict and positively impact future performance.
使用事实上的标准和环境,例如OPC(开放连接标准)和Microsoft .NET,可以在系统和不同历史学家之间进行更轻松的接口。这可以帮助用户利用现有的历史学数据,即使他们从其他供应商中选择了新解决方案。OPC兼容性还可以轻松访问和使用来自人机接口(HMI),分布式控制系统(DCS),计算机化维护管理系统(CMM)和其他植物级应用程序的数据。由于供应商也开始提供符合OPC-UA(OPC统一体系结构)产品,因此现在还可以在非Microsoft平台上运行的应用程序可用。除了植物水平的设备外,历史学家还与企业资产管理(EAM),企业资源计划(ERP)和高级优化应用程序交往。
The ability to store, access and analyze plant data in near real time can help users identify any anomalies or troubling performance trends that could indicate a problem with plant production equipment. Historical data can be used to develop models or profiles that help users determine how a given asset should behave under normal conditions, and to set alarms or formulate maintenance strategies to balance production needs with asset viability, remotely and in real time.
Allen Avery, aavery@arcweb.com, is an analyst at ARC Advisory Group Inc., in Dedham, Mass.