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Clearly, cybersecurity for industrial control systems (ICSs) is an urgent matter. Company executives across a range of industries feel their control systems are more vulnerable than they were a year ago, according to the2016 State of ICS Security Survey来自SANS研究所。大约四分之三的受访者(67%)表示,他们认为对其控制系统造成了严重或高度的威胁。这是一年前的43%。

Byron K. Wallace worries a little less than most. As cybersecurity process control network (PCN) vulnerability assessor for a large oil and gas producer, he knows his control system is air gapped—or at least as close to air gapped as he can make it. “Are you ever 100 percent air gapped? Technically no, but practically yes,” says Wallace, who has a Ph.D. in IT.


Meanwhile, Wallace says, operations do not miss out on the benefit of sharing information. Operators input data from production and downtime reports from the air gapped system into the company’s information system. These data are updated each day, and that’s good enough, he says. The ability to have real-time data would not provide enough benefit to warrant risking a major security event.


Wallace makes it clear, however, that this approach is not for everyone. “You have to understand your operating philosophy and what works for you,” he says, adding that it requires a special relationship with control vendors. “The vendor can’t just come in and patch the system. It’s a cutthroat, no-trust environment. This does not work for everyone. Your management philosophy may not allow this approach.”

For a list of key questions to ask yourself, see “Could Air Gapping Be Right for You?”.

What’s the safest state for a plant? When it’s shut down and not producing. As true as that might be, it’s hardly a serious option. Instead, we’re left with the question: To air gap or not to air gap?

今天的大部分控制设备操作was produced decades ago and built for the long haul, with no thought of communicating with other systems—and correspondingly, no need for cybersecurity. Particularly in process industries like utilities, some companies are using long-established air gaps to protect their control systems. But in today’s hyper-connected world, that choice comes at a cost.



Companies that persist in air gapping may well find the economics of that choice bearing down on them at some point, says Albert Rooyakkers, founder, CTO and vice president of engineering forBedrock Automation。“They will miss the predictive analytics, causing them to blow a bearing on a turbine that costs $150 million,” for example.

Beyond the opportunity cost of not connecting control systems, many question the fundamental viability of air gaps. “There’s a religious debate about air gaps: Do they work or not; do they exist or not?” says Jeff Lund, senior director of product line management for Belden. “It’s an interesting philosophical debate, but it can be irrelevant to the question of whether they make you more secure or not.”

Most cyber incidents originate from inside the system, Lund says; in that case, air gaps do not help. A device fails, for example, masquerading as a denial of service attack. Belden often hears from smaller manufacturers that they are not as likely as their large counterparts to be the target of a cyber attack. “But you don’t need security just because you’re an attractive target. It’s to make yourself more resilient against these other failures that can happen.”

Companies that think they maintain air gaps around their ICS networks might be in for a nasty surprise, says Marc Kaplan, vice president of security architecture forTempered Networks。“唯一真正的空气散发是当您拥有完全断开连接的网络时,没有蓝牙,没有Wi-Fi,不可用的IPS,没有USB端口,没有任何类型的远程访问和严格强制执行的访问控件。”

Air gaps can also introduce errors, warns Gregory Wilcox, global technology and business development manager forRockwell Automation。“Employees may write down data on clipboards and then manually key it in, but then you have increased the risk of errors.”

Most of the spokespeople for control vendors interviewed here did not report a resurgence of interest in air gapping among their customer bases. “What we’re seeing is the need for connectivity to control system data,” says Jeremy Bryant, general manager of industrial communications forSiemens USA。“我们确实看到了电力空间中的一个例外,法规可能需要从控制系统到外部的气隙。”

自动化Rooyakkers归结坚实的基石on the anti-air gap side. “How can you be future-proof in a disconnected world? You can’t just go live in the woods,” he says. A better strategy, he adds, is to implement modern networking technology that has security built in, along with other measures layered on top. “You’re stuck until you decide to build the right technology in a brownfield or greenfield approach.”

Other cybersecurity approaches
If not an air gap, then what? There are a host of security architecture choices and specific technologies that are designed to provide a layered approach to protecting ICS, including (in no particular order):

  • Identity-defined networking. Tempered Technologies’ Identity-Defined Network fabric operates on a trust model with IEEE 802.1X certificate-based authentication and identification. This approach goes beyond passwords and perimeter protection to continuous, intelligent authorization based on context. The network is cloaked, so it can be viewed only by authorized users.
  • Segmentation. With this cloaking variant, the network is broken up into segments with strict access controls in between. Rather than a strict separation between two networks, the segments can open, give access when presented with the right credentials and then close again.
  • Defense-in-depth. Siemens advocates creating connectivity with a defense-in-depth approach. As the name suggests, a wide variety of standards-based security technologies are layered upon each other, along with well-defined and enforced organizational practices. “We only allow the communication to the people that need to have it,” Bryant says. “You know specifically who is getting on your network and what they are doing.”
  • Data diodes. Also called unidirectional security gateways, data diodes allow only a one-way flow of information. This means data can flow from the control system to the information system but not vice versa. Emerson Electric and other vendors, such as Waterfall Security, are proponents.
  • Demilitarized zone (DMZ) between industrial and IT space. Rockwell’s Wilcox advocates a “best of both worlds” approach that resides between air gap and a shared environment. “This is about good connectivity between separate infrastructure,” he says. Each side can pass information to the other via a highly secured industrial DMZ that resides between the two environments.
  • 特殊用途的安全设备。Belden提供了托菲诺Xenon安全设备,该设备符合IEC 62443网络安全标准的控制标准,并进行了深度数据包检查。贝尔登(Belden)的隆德(Lund)说:“它看着消息内部,并询问该消息来源是否要求做允许这样做的事情。”这种方法超出了标准防火墙。

Most important to remember: No approach, whether air gap or something else, is infallible or a fit for every company. “Air gap is not a universal solution,” says Claudio Fayad, vice president of technology forEmerson Automation Solutions。“It does have benefits, but it does not guarantee 100 percent protection. And it can be restrictive because it doesn’t allow you to do the optimizations that could help you make better products, deliver less impact to the environment and other benefits.”


Could Air Gapping Be Right for You?

Whether an air gap would work for your environment depends on a number of factors. “This choice is based on their organization’s security stance and business objectives,” says Gregory Wilcox, global technology and business development manager for Rockwell Automation.

Wilcox recommends asking these questions:

  • 您是否需要从工厂的地板中获取这些信息,以帮助仪表板,制造执行系统(MES)或分析?如果是这样,您的业务是核心获取该数据吗?
  • What are your risk management policies and tolerance to risk? What impact does your risk tolerance have on the overall application?
  • What regulations govern your process? Are you required to air gap?
  • What does future-ready mean to you? What are your business drivers?
