Brewery Gains Flexibility, Reduces Downtime with Gateway

Remote I/O-to-Ethernet gateway enables easy replacement of 27-year-old PLCs for a Wales brewery upgrading its yeast-handling control process.

大脑啤酒厂将其酵母操控过程升级为Rockwell Automation Compactlogix系统和以太网连接。资料来源:Prosoft Technology
大脑啤酒厂将其酵母操控过程升级为Rockwell Automation Compactlogix系统和以太网连接。资料来源:Prosoft Technology

大不列颠的著名啤酒之一是SA,由威尔士加的夫的大脑啤酒厂制造。SA最近庆祝其成立50周年,该公司认为是时候升级其整体酵母操控过程了。该啤酒厂已经生产啤酒已有130多年的历史了,并且在过去的27年中,Rockwell Automation PLC2控制器一直在控制其酵母处理过程。


Brains Brewery想升级到罗克韦尔自动化CompactLogixcontrollers. Mike Cooper ofIAC Engineering建议使用Prosoft技术’s Remote I/O to Ethernet (AN-X2-DHRIO) gateway to allow the CompactLogix system to communicate with six racks of 1771 Remote I/O over Ethernet. Cooper had met ProSoft Technology Regional Sales Manager Myles Heinekey at a Rockwell Automation event in Birmingham, England and knew the gateway was a way the old 1771 I/O racks could be retained.

“The commissioning time was reduced massively because the existing Remote I/O cards and wiring could be retained,” Cooper says. “Only the processor and software needed to be added and commissioned, not the field wiring.”

With ProSoft Technology’s solution, Brains Brewery was able to reduce project costs by installing a CompactLogix system. “Without the gateway, a new I/O system would need to be added and wired in,” Cooper says.

Prosoft技术’s solution didn’t just reduce the project cost—it reduced it by 40 percent in terms of the other option. One additional important benefit of the gateway is the system can use the 1771 Remote I/O cards with the CompactLogix processor. This means no additional spare I/O cards need to be carried, and none of the Remote I/O needed to be rewired.

网关将以太网为t的好处he plant, and enables future flexibility. “The ProSoft gateway gets the I/O data onto Ethernet, which means it then can be accessed from anywhere on the plant network at a higher speed,” Cooper says. In addition, “the different racks of I/O could be moved onto a network and controlled from different PLCs, if required.”

Reporting provided by Victor Garcia, Prosoft Technology

Brains Brewery

Brains于1882年成立于威尔士,使啤酒满足任何啤酒鉴赏家的满足,从喜欢独特的手工艺品种(例如Calypso和Bragging Prounter)到那些喜欢SA这样的传统啤酒的人。SA的标语是“没有SA的威尔士,”最近庆祝了其成立50周年。大脑还拥有各种各样的传统啤酒,包括大脑苦,黑暗和黑色的大脑。大脑还以其许多酒吧而闻名。

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