OPC Servers Provide Clean Connections

德国联邦铁路公司的铁路用标志性的软件a state-of-the-art train washing application, for adjusting brushes and sprayers to accommodate any train type and shape.

Aw 5546 Iconics Train Graphic

欧洲最大的运输提供商之一德意志·巴恩(Deutsche Bahn AG)的铁路公司每年在德国和邻国载有超过18亿的乘客。德国政府拥有的德意志·巴恩(Deutsche Bahn)也负责每年移动780亿吨的货运。所有服务站和火车站均由数据库站和服务维护,DB Netz提供了轨道基础架构。

在世界上最先进的火车应用程序之一中,从马萨诸塞州福克斯伯勒市的Iconics发起了Genesis32 Enterprise Edition,用于洗车。警报由Iconics AlarmWorx32应用程序处理。用户可以从系统中的任何地方确认警报。Iconics的TrendWorx用于所有趋势,可以为用户提供实时和历史数据的最新信息。GraphWorx32是Genesis32的图形设计和运行时环境,在此应用中起着重要作用。从GraphWorx32中,所有用于火车洗涤的监视和控制都使用丰富的3维图形处理。

Learning mode

The train washing system is revolutionary in the fact that one washing system can accommodate any type and shape of train in the world. A new 3-D brush allows for cleaning any shape of train, including the modern bullet train. The GENESIS32 system provides a "learning mode" to allow the system to make the necessary brush and sprayer adjustments.


Mixing water and electricity

SAH Heyd Group was selected for this application because of its industry technology leadership and the complexity of the application. All trains are electric powered and, under most circumstances, water and electricity do not mix. Since all trains need to enter and exit the washer under their own power, SAH had to treat the water so it would not be conductive.

The GENESIS32 system is used to control the water treatment for the washer. All water used in the washing application has the minerals removed, making it nonconductive and safe for use with the electric trains. This revolutionary process allows for trains to be washed without being taken offline, which saves time and money and keeps the trains in service.

Another major feature of the learning mode is the ability to synchronize the left side washing operation with the right side. It is important to make sure the washing is done evenly. Once the operator has made the necessary changes in learning mode, he can have GENESIS32 perform an automatic sync of the left side with the right.

Genesis32系统监视超过1,500个标签。该应用程序中使用了基于Iconics软件的Phoenix Contact的PCWORX。Phoenix Contact InterBus OPC服务器提供OPC连接。洗涤侧的所有自动化均由TCS(一家用于洗涤申请的专业公司)处理。Genesis32在Windows 2000上运行,所有警报趋势均通过Microsoft SQL Server完成。

Says Marco Heyd, chief executive officer of the SAH Heyd Group, "ICONICS was selected for this job for its superior 3D graphics, ease of use and close relationship with Phoenix Contact." The GENESIS32 software allows for rich 3D graphics and has the OPC connectivity needed for this very robust and "clean" application.

For more information about solutions from ICONICS, visitwww.iconics.com.

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