对标准是普遍的支持。“SP99已经more than 260 members representing around 230 companies,” says Bryan Singer, SP99 committee chairman.
The committee is developing standards, recommended practices, technical reports and related information that will define procedures for implementing electronically secure manufacturing and control systems. Assessing electronic security performance is a key aspect, with guidance for those who design and manage manufacturing and control systems.
The first two sections of the standard cover the guidelines for all things people need to pay attention to, including the importance of security. One aspect of that is to help management determine the risk analysis and return-on-investment for security programs. Sections 1 and 2 will go to ballot in the first quarter of 2006, with the likelihood that completed versions could arrive later this year.
Sections 3 and 4 are still being planned. They will provide tools for analysis and other tasks.
See main article: Open networks create paths for viruses to enter the plant floor.