The compact and expandableFL1D SmartRelayincludes the following new features: a PI controller that allows control of temperature, pressure or level with six predefined parameter sets, with a fixed cycle time of 0.5 seconds; a ramp function for controlling frequency converters with two analog speeds for adjustable acceleration and deceleration; an analog multiplexer that enables output of four preset analog values for simple control. Additional improvements include adjustable contrast on SmartRelay LCD displays. The newWindlgc的5.0版programming software includes new function blocks; different line thickness for digital and analog signals; an option to display all the lines that are connecting to a function block; and the ability to force outputs to turn ON/OFF in offline simulation mode. A newexpansion module允许以10位分辨率获得2-PT 0-10V模拟输出信号,模块与现有扩展模块相同。
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