ATM-4233集成了视频A/D板,以确保CPU卡兼容到Intel Pentium 4,Pentium M(无风扇)和Celeron CPU卡。该设备提供14个扩展插槽,底盘前部有两个USB端口和一个ATX标准电源。底盘配备了LCD左侧的五个功能键,LCD的右侧五个光标键。带有触摸板的88键纤薄键盘隐藏在拉出抽屉中,而OSD控件则位于前面,以轻松改变LCD的亮度和对比度。为了防止意外关闭,重置和电源按钮在可锁门后面。ATM-4233的价格为$ 1,100。
All-In-One Industrial PC Chassis
The ATM-4233 is an all-in-one chassis for industrial automation platforms. While traditional industrial PCs need to be connected to a separate keyboard, mouse and monitor to provide appropriate user interfaces, the ATM-4233 is designed to conveniently combine LCD display, keyboard, touch pad, function keys, cursor keys and OSD control in a single chassis.