Vista和Office 2007目标制造


AW 4262 Vista10层

As a company with 53,000 employees and multiple plants across the globe,加利福尼亚州Ramon Chevron Corp.,加利福尼亚州的Ramon。,累积了结构化数据的猛犸象量 - 估计每年180吨。研究,探索,生产,炼油,运输和营销都使用该数据。该公司希望将该数据连接到更有效地运行。雪佛龙通过了微软的最新工具,包括Microsoft Office 2007,Office OneNote 2007和Office SharePoint Server 2007.该目标是提高业务决策的质量,提高生产力,分享信息并满足监管需求。

Before the adoption, employees would store critical plant information in their desktop files or e-mail accounts, which made it inaccessible to others. There was no central location for data, and the data was created in multiple formats. The net result was that Chevron plants could not easily share information. “The plant floor has changed in the past 10 years,” says John McGlynn, industry solutions director, Microsoft Corp., in 雷德蒙德, Wash. vista.有助于解决植物环境的变化,“他说,参考Microsoft最新的Windows操作系统。

Chevron signed on to Microsoft’s Rapid Deployment Technology Adoption Program to create an enterprise-wide content management system. The company developed a centralized enterprise portal using Office SharePoint Server 2007 that serves as a central document repository where data can be stored, managed and shared. “We brought integration, interoperability, collaboration and analytics to the automation and enterprise system,” says Chris Colyer, worldwide director of manufacturing operations strategy at Microsoft. “We focused on bringing scalable and easy-to-use tools that address a number of these issues that are trends in manufacturing.”

Microsoft已经解决了Windows Vista和Office 2007的各种制造需求。可视化工具是Windows的很大一步。另一个巨大的变化是能够轻松地与制造和公司信息技术(IT)集成。该集成还支持与其他系统更大的互操作性。集成和互操作性提供了更大水平的合作。使用 vista.,工厂管理人员现在可以共享搜索引擎结果,这是困难的 - 如果不是不可能使用过去版本的Windows。Excel电子表格现在可以变成Word文档,以便在团队之间轻松交换。增加安全性的增加的共享数据和文件的能力。微软说,合作能力将不再离开易受恶意攻击的公司。


安全is one of the biggest concerns when data gets shared widely across the plant and into corporate enterprise systems. “When we think about manufacturing, the big area from the client side is better manageability and security,” says Microsoft’s Colyer. “The new security gives them the ability to relay data within the manufacturing space.”


制造商非常不愿分享互联网的植物数据。有合理的恐惧,不满意的员工或其他恶意黑客可以进入工厂的系统并改变设置或腐败数据。“过去,安全就业很仔细。因此,植物要么违反了外部联系或增加了安全性,“Arc Advance Group Inc.的企业架构副总裁Bob Mick说 Dedham, Mass. “通过Vista,安全是解决方案的一部分。这是一个比以前的微软版本更安全的环境。“

行业专家预计额外的安全性 prompt more sharing and collaboration. “Security has a big impact on how people share data,” says Rashesh Mody, vice president of HMI and SCADA business at manufacturing software vendor Wonderware, in Lake Forest, Calif.“Security is vista.’s biggest plus in the factory arena.”

3D visualization

另一个关键特征 vista.是改进的可视化工具。Iconics Inc.总裁兼首席执行官Russ Agrusa,另一种制造软件供应商 Foxborough, Mass. ,将增强的图形视为微软对研发投资的直接结果。“微软在过去五年中在研发(研发)的过去五年中花了20亿美元。我认为汽车公司都不在一起,“Agrusa说。

建立制造系统的公司受到强度的鼓舞 vista.的可视化工具。“一些HMI(人机界面)供应商正在寻找如何 vista.’s graphics capabilities will give them some competitive advantage,” says ARC’s Mick. “The graphics capability and security are the two big drivers of vista.这就是它真正满足制造需求的地方。“

Iconics是其中一家使用的公司之一 vista.加强其制造系统。“Iconics的Russ Agrusa已经做了一个神话般的工作,使生活带来了一些 vista.可视化和HMI中的功能,“微软的Colyer说。他指出了新的安全性 vista.有助于支持更大的可视化的发展,因为图像在互联网上分享。“安全是整体概念更好的可视化发展的核心。”

Agrusa注意到图形能力 vista.让制造商看到他们的一部分机械,曾经完全不在视线之外。“你现在可以看到锅炉的背面就像你坐在那里一样,”阿格兰娜说。“这允许操作员更快地响应到严重警报。他现在可以获得机器的3D视图。“


合作也是一个很大的部分 vista.和Office 2007.在安全环境中分享关键数据的能力让工厂经理在各个植物和多个植物中合作。“Vista将数据提供给植物管理人员在管理环境中,他们可以分享他们与其余团队的发展方式,”AMR Research Inc.的研究总监Colin Masson说, 波士顿 。“与安全,他们会更舒服地分享。”

In the past, collaboration has not been easy. File sharing was a problem, along with integration and interoperability. “It has been very difficult to collaborate between teams,” says Masson. “With vista., you have a more collaborative user environment. You can pull up the meeting space and share documents.”

Some types of file sharing have simply not been available before vista.and Office 2007. “In using documents, you can now blend them. Then you can share the results of a search with the rest of the team,” says Masson. “In the past, that has been very difficult. How do you share a Google search? Now you can, and that’s not trivial. That makes it much easer to collaborate. You can show people the results of the search in the meeting space, and you can do it on the fly.”

集成到其他植物和企业系统也是更容易的 vista.。“在许多环境中,MES代表Microsoft Excel电子表格,运营商没有多大的灵活性分享它们,”Masson说。“现在,如果您有Excel电子表格,则可以在托管环境中共享它。您可以分享您的最佳实践。 vista.有这种灵活性和功能。“

虽然 vista.has many new tools for manufacturing, adoption will not be instant. Manufacturers run their systems for 20 or 30 years, so updates are not immediate. “Most of the vista.will show up in coming years, not this year,” says Wonderware’s Mody. “They will start testing on pilots this year and go into production with it next year.”

Agrusa of Iconics notes that plants are usually slow in picking up new technology. “With vista., adoption will be slow because manufacturers tend to be conservative,” says Agrusa. “You have to get it in the channel, then get the integrators up to speed. It usually takes a year.” While adoption may be slow, Agrusa expects it to be faster than in the past. “They will do it more quickly than usual because we have more to offer.”

AMR的Masson同意了 vista.will be adopted at a quicker pace than other Microsoft systems. “A lot of manufacturers will be more proactive in adopting the new Windows system,” says Masson. “They may be salivating at the tools to manage the images and get more protection around the control system.”

vista. 十年

即使在制造商切换之前也需要一段时间 vista.和Office 2007,它来了,它可能多年来支配制造系统。“未来十年将是 vista.十年,” says Agrusa. “You will be able to navigate from outer space and down into the operations of the plant.”

As plants buy or upgrade PCs, Vista and Office 2007 will come along with the new systems, and XP will be phased out next year, further pushing the adoption of vista.and Office 2007. The new tools for collaboration, data sharing and security, will let plant managers operate in new and different ways.

For more information, search keyword “ vista. ”
