In fact, you weren’t even sure how to back it up anymore. If it’s only happened once in your life, it was one time too many—right?
记忆不断越来越便宜。只需考虑一下数码相机中的图片数量,您就可以将其存储在一个滑入一个小插槽中的小“卡”上。计算机使用称为“ EEPROM”或可擦除的可编程读取的东西。开发了一类称为“闪存”的记忆,并表现出了很多希望。紧凑的闪存(CF)被认为是小而便宜的,但随后是安全的数字(SD) - 速度,较小,更便宜。即使那还不够好,所以现在有Mini-SD和Micro-SD。
Not surprisingly, automation control suppliers love to leverage these popular computing technologies whenever possible. And the problem extends beyond just the application program in the controller, explains Fabio Malaspina, a product manager for controls vendor Rockwell Automation Inc., in Milwaukee. “Up until now, programmers just saved a copy of the application into controller memory with flash memory built in,” says Malaspina. “We’ve now added removable compact flash. This will evolve as new products enter the market. Customers can use this to load a program revision or even move the program via the flash card to a replacement controller to get the process back up and running quickly.”
在具有许多智能设备的较大系统中,问题迅速增长。“在具有许多组件的大型系统中,该系统被配置为所有智能设备的固件修订级别,” Malaspina说。“假设深夜系统存在问题。技术人员需要去库存室,获取替换模块,检查固件级别,更新,加载和安装。那就是他可以找到固件修订并找到与系统匹配的内容 - 当然很疑问。问题是如何使这个更简单。”
So Rockwell added a feature to its controller called Firmware Supervisor. It saves the application code plus firmware levels for all of the modules in the system. Any time a module is replaced, the controller knows what the firmware level is supposed to be. It checks the new module’s firmware. If it matches the expected level, then all is OK and the controller can start. If not, then it can flash the correct code to the module firmware. “OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) can use the feature to save a lot of expense in commissioning machines,” says Malaspina.
自动化情况不仅限于控制器。伊利诺伊州Hoffman Estates的Automation Bosch Rexroth Corp.的产品经理Rami Al-Ashqar表示,各种自动化组件需要方法来快速加载备份配置或程序以保持生产的发展。“我们的系统伴侣赋予了自动化组件的能力,并使用个性模块交换迅速替换。这是没有个人计算机的,但每个组件都以各种方式完成。电动机有一个EEPROM。集成的电动机/驱动组合和驱动器设计用于SD卡内存。控制器和人机界面使用紧凑型闪光灯。在80年代和90年代的先前技术中,通过调谐电阻将驱动器配置为电动机。现在,使用CF和SD卡,您可以取出旧的卡并放入新的卡片,然后加载配置设置。这一切都与维修性有关。 Sometimes, people just make too many changes to try to get the machine from 95 percent to a higher efficiency. Then it stops working. With the flash drive, they can go back to the original to get running again.”
Gary Mintchell,,是自动化世界’s Editor in Chief.