Touch Panel Computers are compact & rugged HMI platforms



Aw 1606 1007 Advantech Pr3

超薄,光,无风扇和vibration-resistant design of Advantech’s TPC series provide an ideal HMI platform for most automation applications. Furthermore, Advantech’s full range of certified "Powered by Wonderware®" HMI platforms come with InTouch Compact Edition runtime software pre-installed so they are ready to use out of the box. Advantech’s "Powered by Wonderware®" TPC products feature display sizes of 3.5", 5.7", 6.4", 10.4", 12.1", 15" and 17". Please contact your local Advantech representative for pricing or more information.


TPC-30T- 3.5" QVGA TFT LCD XScale PXA270 Touch Panel Computer

TPC-66T- 5.7" QVGA TFT LCD XScale PXA270 Touch Panel Computer

TPC-120H.- 12.1" SVGA TFT LCD XScale PXA270 Touch Panel Computer with CAN-bus

TPC-660G & TPC-660E- 6.4" VGA TFT LCD Geode™ LX800 Touch Panel Computer

TPC-1070H.- 10.4“SVGA TFT LCDCeleron®M触摸面板计算机

TPC-1261H- 12.1“SVGA TFT LCD Geode™LX800触摸面板计算机

TPC-1270H.- 12.1" SVGA TFT LCD Pentium® M/ Celeron® M Touch Panel Computer

TPC-1570H- 15" XGA TFT LCD Pentium® M/ Celeron® M Touch Panel Computer

TPC-1770H & TPC-1780H- 17“SXGA TFT LCD Core™2 Duo L7400触摸面板计算机
