A Step-by-Step Guide to Predictive Maintenance

Implementing and understanding predictive maintenance is essential if unplanned downtime has a high impact on your production schedule. Discover the step-by-step process of how to get the most value out of predictive maintenance for your plant.

州际公理分析经理Dan Riley
州际公理分析经理Dan Riley




1.数据采集。For predictive maintenance, the data collected are usually time series process data such as historian data. Common tags analyzed include current, temperature, pressure, flow, vibration, etc.

2. Data cleansing.为了避免使用无效的数据,您必须找到异常值和缺失值,并使用纠正技术来保存数据。这包括删除异常值,过滤毫无意义的数据以及纠正偏移时间参数。清理数据可减少道路上的问题,并为分析团队可以提供的见解增加价值。

3. Identifying conditional indicators.This involves distinguishing between normal asset operation and various fault types. Examples include healthy motor operational parameters, seal leakages, worn bearings, blocked inlets, or a combination of faults. Methods to identify fault features include time-based and frequency analyses.

4. Training the model.确定健康操作和断层状态后,对模型进行了训练。这是理解故障指标准确性的重要步骤。通过运行多个测试并确保一致性,您可以准确选择数据模型类型。机器学习算法有许多品种。用于构建高级模型的算法的五个家族是:分类,回归,聚类,密度估计和降低尺寸。回归家族最常用于连续数据。

5. Deployment and integration.These steps can occur in three places: On-premises, where your local networks and data systems are stored; at the edge, where data is so high speed you need it as close to the data source as possible to reduce latency; or in the cloud, where your company already has cloud-based systems to serve a network of remote engineers who need to see the data.


These steps encompass the process of predictive maintenance. You will achieve more operational uptime when you can observe the trend of your assets and can see when a machine is going down. As a result, unplanned downtime is turned into planned, effective maintenance. Additionally, when you avoid suddenly shutting down machines, you extend their life by reducing wear and tear.

Fault type identification provides value by getting your machines up and working faster. When you can see the behavior, you can fix the break rather than relying on guesswork. Predictive maintenance also helps you estimate the time of failure, taking away the guessing game and giving you a solid idea of when a machine will fail so you can prepare for maintenance and shutdowns on your own time.

Ultimately, investing in predictive maintenance can pay off for many types of industrial plants with various machine types. To learn more about how predictive maintenance can benefit your plant and prevent downtime, choose an analytics team with proven experience in industrial analytics.
