Vecna Robotics

Waltham, MA 02452

Company Overview

Vecna Robotics' driverless forklifts, pallet movers, and tuggers automate material handling to extend staff capacity, reduce operating costs, and create flexible workflows that respond with ease to intensifying and shifting market demand.

Leaders in Automation
Geographic sales distribution: North America
425 Waverley Oaks Road
Suite 250
Waltham, MA 02452
United States
Phone: (617) 444-9263

Vecna Robotics is an award-winning, flexible intelligent material handling technology company with solutions engineered for seamless work between autonomous mobile robots (AMR) and the labor, equipment, facilities, and systems that keep business moving.

Our self-driving forklifts, pallet movers, and tuggers –– powered by proprietary Pivotal™ orchestration software and our 24/7/365 command center –– are optimized for multi-shift operations in medium to large facilities in distribution, warehousing, and manufacturing. Our tightly integrated solutions extend staff capacity and help to minimize labor shortage disruptions and demand spikes across different high-volume logistics environments.

What differentiates Vecna Robotics is that we are laser-focused on helping organizations to automate their most critical workflows, maximize throughput, and scale operations fast.

Our intelligent, self-driving equipment brings a cloud-first approach to materials handling that get smarter over time. From initial simulation to professional set up, our solutions are tuned for key workflows like End of Line, Case Picking, and Material Replenishment and Put Away.

Whatever your facility throws at our autonomous equipment, industry-leading obstacle avoidance software is designed to keep your pallets on the move and maximize throughput. And in the event of a disruption, our remotely managed command center monitors your facility 24/7/365 to maintain 99%+ uptime.

And lastly, real success with Vecna is rooted in proven, measured long term customer results. Our novel robots-as-a-service pricing model and winning safety and platform scalability gives you the long-term flexibility keep your business moving for the long haul.

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Key Contact
Jeff Huerta
Senior Vice President, Sales
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