Drying up moisture difficulties


PW 5920狮子啤酒厂

狮子啤酒厂, Wilkes-Barre, PA, was encountering some problems with excess moisture on the bottling lines. When its malt beverages exited the pasteurizing tunnel and were conveyed to the labeling station, soapy water was sprayed onto the conveyor belts for lubrication. But the soapy water also was coating the bottles and causing problems with label application. Some of the labels were positioned askew or displaying an unsightly bubbling effect. The wet environment also was creating moisture pockets under the bottle crowns, which sometimes led to discoloration around the crowns.

狮子维护负责人肯·休斯顿(Ken Houston)指出:“近年来,我们的线速度增加了一倍。我们每分钟生产300瓶,现在我们每分钟高达600至700瓶。”狮子的生产率提高使干燥挑战更大。四行紧密包装的7,12-,16瓶和24盎司的瓶子各都设计为700 bpm的运行Harland((www.harlandamerica.com)标签。并且有重复的标签关闭,以解决弯曲和起泡的标签困难。

Of the four bottling lines, three were using air comb-type air nozzles and compressed air to blast off bottle moisture, with little effect. Houston notes, “The problem with wet bottles had been going on for some time. We tried air nozzles, vortex nozzles. Some worked a bit better than others, but nothing solved it. We use about 200 cubic feet per minute total of compressed air for all the lines at our facility. But even with 50 horsepower of compressed air, we don’t have enough air to dry bottles effectively at our new higher line speeds.”


As part of the brewer’s ongoing investment in adopting new technologies, Houston contacted Chris Pasquali at manufacturers’ representative agency技术产品和服务公司。((www.fluidproducts.com) to discuss possible solutions to the moisture problem.



因此,狮子决定从声音空气系统((www.sonicairsystms.com) for the remaining bottling lines. Each system uses a 20-HP motor, two 42-in-long side air knives, and two 6-in crown air knives. Lion placed these systems in an atypical position—above the line. “We hang the blowers above because real estate is extremely important to us,” explains Houston.

In addition, Lion installed optional acoustical enclosures to address noise concerns, keeping sound levels under 80 decibels at a distance of one meter (3.3 ft).

Houston sums up, “While Sonic equipment saves us maintenance on the air systems for sure, our choice was labeling-quality-related. The bottles are a lot drier than with compressed air.”
