
The outsourcing of packaging functions has been yielding benefits, Packaging World readers report. Cost savings and satisfaction are the upside, while only half of respondents report increases in plant efficiency.



上个月,我们的一个报告发现了一部分functions most likely to be outsourced, and also indicated which types of vendors were commonly used to provide those services (see PW, Dec. '97, p. 28). Part Two reports on the benefits companies receive from outsourcing, along with trends on which functions are being planned for outsourcing now and in the future.







The other four benefits of outsourcing totalled a bit less than half of the total "votes" of survey participants. PW readers report that outsourcing rarely permits a manufacturer to eliminate a department. In fact, as will be revealed later, outsourcing changes are often shifts from one vendor to another, rather than in-house functions being moved outside to suppliers.

At the same time, fewer than 10% of the respondents see outsourcing as principally improving the quality of a package. In Part One of this survey report, comments by several respondents indicated the same functions could be done better in-house. However, PW editors were surprised that 10.6% of respondents regarded outsourcing as a method of cutting a company's materials costs.


尽管近三分之一的被调查者s' companies don't outsource packaging functions, those that do report a high level of satisfaction (Chart 2). This may be due to the fact that a strong percentage of respondents say their companies have established partnerships with the suppliers that outsource for them (Chart 3). In fact, the positive responses to partnerships and outsourcing satisfaction were almost identical.




While this seems to be incongruous, it should be understood that many of the functions most frequently outsourced (ie., graphics, container development) typically have little effect on packaging line efficiency.


One respondent who reported improved efficiency said it this way: "[Through outsourcing] our employees can focus on problem-solving and increasing internal efficiencies on those tasks that we do well," according to the director of manufacturing for a West Coast pharmaceutical company.



There was very little correlation between the Top Ten outsourced functions and those that were newly outsourced in '97 (Chart 6). In fact, among the five functions most often subcontracted in just the last year, only product packaging and packaging line design were among the top five outsourced functions overall. The other top three newly outsourced functions actually ranked six, eight and 14 in mentions among the overall list of 15 functions.


The top five functions that were new to outsourcing last year do correspond with those cited as being the functions that participants say will be outsourced in the future (Chart 7). Packaging line design and bar-coding requirements appear on both lists, and equipment-related functions scored high.

Finally, the survey asked respondents how their companies found the vendors that were now performing the outsourcing (Chart 8). Past experience with that supplier was easily the most important factor at 42%. Recommendations from associates or other suppliers made up another 28% of the responses, while word-of-mouth and trade shows each were the choices of more than 10% of respondents.
